Page 199 of Hearing her Cries

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Pen could hear Zoey calling.It gave her hope that everything might just be ok. "Zo, I'm here!"

Sydney yanked her closer. Kept her from running toward where she thought her big sister was. "Get outside. There is a side door. Right along this wall! I think it goes outside. We just need to get past the fat pig. I'll be right behind you.”

"What about Zo?” Pen yelled. The engine was running. In that SUV. The man who had done this was just going to run away.

Smoke was everywhere. Pen could barely see anything now.

"She'll want you out of here so she can do what she has to do. Go! Get out, Pen, get out now!" Sydney pushed her down the stairs. To the concrete floor level. They were right there by the car. The door—it had to be nearby. On the side. This side. By the stairs. They could do this. Pen’s hand touched cardboard. They just had to get past the stack of boxes first.

The stack toppled down.

Sydney just kept pushing her. Pen almost tripped. But she just kept going. Toward the open door.

They just had to get pasthimfirst.

Sydney was practically in front of her. Between Pen’s body…and the fat pig’s. Sydney—always trying to take care of her.

Tears ran down her cheeks. From the smoke. It was the smoke. Not fear. Pen wasn’t going to let herself be afraid.

Pen tried to get there to the outside door. She really did.

But then Eastman was there. Pen screamed.

He blocked the door. And he had a gun. His eyes burned blue—and he was looking at her. With hatred.

Pen froze.

They just stood there. Staring at each other. Her eyes burned from the smoke. She fought nausea, fear. Pen didn’t know what to do at all.

She had to dosomething.Zoey said…Zoey said neverfreeze.And always keep thinking. Her brain was her biggest weapon—Pen just had to use it.

Pen kicked him. Then tried to run. His fingers tangled in her hair.

He almost yanked her down.

She screamed out.

"Pen!" Zoey, she knew it was Zoey.

A hand cracked against her cheek. Sending Pen sprawling.

There were boxes in this garage, too. Old things. She slammed into a stack. Junk scattered all over the floor, tripping her. Pen hit her knees. Things she couldn’t identify fell all around her.

Someone screamed. Really close to where she was.

It wasn’ther.

The screamer sounded…young. Really, really young.

Someone yelled something she couldn’t make out.

Murdoch. Murdoch was there. She’d seen him. Heard him.

He’d given herhope.Murdoch was there.

He'd keep Zoey safe. She just knew it. Pen tripped again, hitting the concrete hard enough that she heard her arm crack. She cried out again.

Someone kicked toward her.
