Page 208 of Hearing her Cries

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He called for a gurney as soon as they were inside the doors.

“No. I need to be with Pen. With Murdoch.”

“Lake’s brother is already here. I’m sending him upstairs to watch over his brother. We have a team ready for Pen, I promise. Virat is going to be heading her team, Zoey. It’ll be ok. I promise.”


Rafe hesitated. “Dr. Jacobson already has her. He and the surgical team we have upstairs are our best. I promise. Let’s get you taken care of. Then you can be with Pen, ok?”

“It was Dr. Eastman.”

“We know. We’ll talk…later.”

“He was watching all of us. Makingmoreof us.” She knew she was rambling. Not making much sense. Hypothetically she knew she was going into shock. “Watching all of us. Sweeney and Dalton and the twins…all of us. Studying us like lab rats. He took me…to makemore.The bastard wanted my damned eggs for his evil experiments. He’s been experimenting with our mother’seggsfor decades. Since…just after you two were born.”

“Where is he now?” Rafe asked as he lowered her to the gurney. She saw the fury on her brother’s beautiful face.

“That bastard isdead.I shot him. And Murdoch shot him. He is dead. We’re safe now. He’ll never hurt any of us again. We shot that evil bastard. I promise. He can’t hurt ourfamilyagain.”

“Who is this little girl, Zoey?” Someone asked from the opposite side of the gurney. Zoey looked up. Nikkie Jean was there, hazel eyes huge behind her glasses. Oakley’s little pink backpack dangled from her hand.

“Her name is Oakley. And she thinks I am her mother. She found me on the internet. She thinks I’m her mother. I promised her…I would take care of her. She and her little brother.” Fear for Orion shot through her. She tried to sit up. To look around. “They areourbrother and sister, too. He made them. Donor eggs from our mother. And surrogates. He paid surrogates. Eastman made them—so he could study them. And so many more. I don’t know how many more are out there. Where is Orion? Does anyone know where he is? He’s so little and looks like Dalton. Like Mikey.”

“Clay and Bailey Addy found him, Zo. He’s safe right now. Lacy is looking him over now.” Nikkie Jean guided her back on the gurney.

Zoey took a breath. Orion was safe with Lacy—Ariella’s sister-in-law. Oakley was with Caine. Caine would protect her. And Pen…Pen was at the best trauma hospital in the state.

“We’ll figure it all out later, Zo-Zo. I promise. Let’s just get you taken care of, ok? You’re safe now. Everyone is safe now. You’ve done your part. Now let our little army of doctors and nurses do ours. It’s going to be ok.”

Zoey just clung to Nikkie Jean’s hand and hoped her sister-in-law was right.

But…she didn’t see how any of them could beokever again.


Heather was fighting cryingwith everything she had. It had been a good hour since they’d brought in those other people. There was still no sign of Bonnie. No word.

The more minutes passed, the more likely it was that her sister was dead.

She was trying to pull her emotions together. Someone would have to be strong for the rest of the family, no matter what.

The choppers had landed. People had been rushed by.

None of them had been Bonnie.

They may have lost Bonnie.

That was sinking in fast.

Ember snuffled in her sleep. Flailed her little arms around before settling in again. Heather cupped her head, and kissed her on the hair she knew would probably be dark brown one day.

The chief was there, watching everything that was happening.

Joy came out. Heather met her twin halfway. They hadn’t confirmed Eastman had been the one to kill Nick. Not yet.

Joy was holding herself together like the exceptionally strong woman her twin was. “Anything on Bonnie yet?”

Heather shook her head. “How is Crispin?”
