Page 214 of Hearing her Cries

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“What can we do for you? My sister and my niece are being discharged soon.” What in the hell was she supposed to say? She didn’t even fully know what Denita haddone.These people hadn’t shared all their cookies yet.

Heather wasn’t stupid. They were going to have to fight to get that information. Neither her family nor theirs were going to trust each other. How could they?

“Dr. Coleson-Greene, how is your sister…and…her daughter?” One of the twin men asked. They were a few years older than Heather, she thought. Joy knew one slightly. Through the hospital. They’d crossed paths once or twice.

“Dr. Stockton operated on Bonnie’s wrist shortly before midnight last night. He thinks she’ll make a good recovery. She’s sore. The men…beat her pretty badly. But we’ll see that she is taken care, Dr. Holden-Deane. Then…we can figure all of this out,” Joy said quietly. Way too quietly for Joy. Her sister’s world had been rocked too. Not in a good way.

“The TSP is going to have more questions,” the billionaire said.

“Nothere.” Heather and her family had had enough of the hospital now. “We’re taking Bonnie and Crispinhome.We have had enough. Denita has disrupted Bonnie’s lifeenough.When is that woman’s evil ever going to end?”

“Denise—” The other twin, the one with the dragon tattoo on his forearm swore, then started again. “Denita.It’s going to take us a while to get used to that name. She might have been evil, but her children aren’t.”

“I’m sure they aren’t. Cashlyn and Crispin and Iagan certainly aren’t,” Joy said calmly. “But we don’t know what we are supposed to do here now. How can we? We don’t even fully know what happened. The TSP and the rest of you children of Denita are going to have to share your cookies soon, boys. We’re getting cranky.”

Eden put her hand on Joy’s shoulder. She was only two years younger than they were. They’d always been close. “As far as we knew, Denita just had three children. And how she treated them was bad enough. To know there are more…possibly as young as that little boy—it’s terrifying.I’mraising one of her sons now. And he is my world. I hope…no one tries to change that.”

That had been a fear Joy and Heather had discussed. Cashlyn and Crispin were adults. There was no possibility of a custody battle. But Iagan was just a little boy. And if these people wanted to get ugly—could they take him away? The adoption was legal—in Oklahoma. Eden was his cousin—not a biological sibling. Definitely not a biological sibling married to the governor of Texas—or a sibling that was a billionaire. If they thought Iagan was better off, could they try to take him? Her family could never afford the legal fees to fight a billionaire. They just couldn’t.

What could her family really do to stop that?

“No one will ever try to change that,” the dragon twin said. “No one is here to…hurt your family any more than it already has been. But you have information we have been searching for. For a long time.”

“We just want to know where we came from,” a female voice said behind them. The twins parted. “And make sure everyone is going to be ok.Everyone.Denita and Eastman have hurt us all enough.”

A woman stepped forward. She held two children by the hands.

Heather stepped forward and waited.

“Wow, Heather Holly—she looks more like your twin thanIdo.”

Heather hadn’t missed that at all. And sometimes Joy just didn’t know how to behave. It looked like theyweregoing to do this now, after all.


She’d beenon her way to find her man after leaving her sister’s room. Grace had been sleeping in the chair and Zoey hadn’t wanted to wake her.

Murdoch was missing.

He had not been where Nikkie Jean had wheeled her at all.

She’d stopped off to check on Orion and Oakley before searching for him—or having him paged. He was somewhere. Probably looking for her. She knew her man, after all.

Orion and Oakley had been awake, hungry, and not wanting to let their newmommy—that was going to take some getting used to—out of their sight. She’d promised them something they’d never had before if they helped her find him.

Ice cream. They’d never had ice cream.

She hadn’t known what to describe him as to the kids. The man she loved? They wouldn’t understand that. The man she hoped would be their daddy? Yeah, not opening that can of worms without talking to him first.

So she’d just said, “Let’s go find Murdoch. He’s Sheriff Lake, and I want to find him.”

Now they were in the cafeteria. And he was once again nowhere to be found. That man, he never made things easy, did he?

She really wanted Murdoch right now.

She’d found the Cheshire cat and Tweedledee and Tweedledum instead. Staring down a woman with a baby in her arms, and two sisters beside her.

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