Page 219 of Hearing her Cries

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Crispin wanted out of there.She never wanted to end up in room 403 ever again. Her mom had been in the hospital bed opposite of hers.

She hadn’t even known her mom had been taken by that monster. Her mom had been there captive for hours, too. With that monster. In the same building. Crispin just hadn’t seen her. Hadn’t known.

She’d walked away, and just left her mom behind.

Aunt Heather had held her while she’d cried last night and told Crispin it was ok. Crispin had made the right decision. That a vulnerable child always had to matter more. Her mom had told her the same thing when she’d opened her eyes that morning. Crispin had been sitting right by her mom’s bed, waiting.

Crispin could understand that. But she had abandoned her mom. Her mom had barely been found by the TSP in time. It was going to take her a long while to forgive herself that.

Crispin’s left foot was in a removable cast. They hadn’t wanted to use plaster because she had deep cuts that would need regular cleaning to heal. And stitches. Her other foot wasn’t quite as bad. It had a few cuts, but nothing major. With bandages, she could walk on it a little.

She’d convinced Cashlyn to help her shower. There was no way she was doing a sponge bath. And she’d smelled like smoke. She was never going to forget that smell. She needed the smoke out of her hair, before she went crazy and shaved her head or something.

Mostly…she wanted to go home.

She had somewhere to gofirst.

She wanted to make certain Sydney and that other girl were going to be ok.

She was a Coleson woman on a mission.

It was time to find them. Especially…that girl.

She was real. Now Crispin wanted to see for herself.

She had crutches. She wasn’t very good on them, but she could move around.

Cashlyn was helping her mom now.

“I want to go downstairs.” She looked at Samia. “Take me downstairs. I want to find those other girls and make sure they are ok before I leave. And I need to make sure Orion is going to be safe.”

Samia hesitated. She looked at Cashlyn. Who shrugged. “Ok. Heather texted that their families are still in the cafeteria. I will take you there. Mom and Cash can meet us there. Then we are going to take you home, you are getting off your feet. And you are both going to rest. We’ll worry about tomorrow…tomorrow, got me?”

Samia could be kind of stubborn.

No surprise. Itwasa Coleson thing, after all.


Her daughters could be exceptionallystubborn. Crispin was the most stubborn of the lot sometimes. Bonnie just couldn’t stop looking at her. Couldn’t stop making certain Crispin really was there. Safe. Safe. Crispin was safe. They both were. “I don’t want her going out there by herself.”

“I’m driving,” Cashlyn said, a stubborn look in her own eyes. “In the chair.”

“Yes, ma’am.” Bonnie didn’t want to argue. She was hurting. And tired. So, so tired.

Cashlyn wheeled her out into the hall.

They caught up with Crispin and Samia easily enough at the elevator.

Then they were downstairs in the main part of the hospital, headed to the cafeteria. Bonnie fought panicking.

She had met Eastman there. In the cafeteria, when he had looked at her. When he had looked her girls over like he was at the market.

No. He wasn’t making her afraid here now. Never again.

She was going in that cafeteria today, no matter what. Shehadto. He wasn’t taking FCGH away from her.

He wasn’t.
