Page 224 of Hearing her Cries

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Pen justlooked.

“Your eyes are different from mine,”Crispinsaid. “Mom said my one eye had a little bit of blue in it when I was a baby, even after the other eye turned brown. It turned completely blue after I hit my eye in car accident when I was twelve. It just stayed blue after that.”

Pen just nodded. The girl’s hair was in a ponytail, but it was the exact same color as hers. Well… “No blue hair.”

“I had blue when I was fifteen. Summer, my cousin—our cousin, dared me.”

“You go to FCU.” She wore a white FCU T-shirt with navy lettering. Pen had the same one at home. She looked down. She wore a navy FCU T-shirt with white lettering. Her jeans were dark blue. Her twins were light blue. But they were the same exact style and brand. Made for tall, skinny girls, just likethem.

“Yes. I’m in my second year for my master’s. Mathematics.”

“Second year for my master’s. Psychology.”

The girl nodded this time. There were a few differences Pen could see.

But not much.

The girl just kept watching her. “I’m not really sure…what to say here.”

“Me either.”

They just stared at each other for the longest time. Pen looked at Zoey. “I’m not sure what any of us are supposed to donow.”

The girl looked like she was going to cry. She looked to the woman next to her. “Mom? What do we do?”

She sounded like a little kid. A scared little kid.

Pen’s own eyes filled again.

Crispin’s mom stepped forward.

Pen looked at her.

She looked like the woman in the photos of her own mother Pen had seen. But she also didn’t.

Mostly, she looked like Ariella. Like…what Ariella would like in twenty years maybe.

Her eye was bruised. There were scratches on her face. One arm was in a sling, just like Pen’s.

Eastman had really hurt her. Pen still wasn’t certain why the woman had been taken. She was too old for Eastman’s little breeding program, right?

The woman put her hand on Crispin’s shoulder. “It’s ok, baby. We’ll figure this out together, I promise.”

Pen looked at Zoey, who pulled her closer, too. “Zo?”

Her sister just held her. “She’s right. We’ll figure this out together. We’ll take care of each other. Like we always have.”

Her twin’s mom nodded. “No matter what.”

Zoey squeezed her, just a little. “The future is going to be whatwemake it now.”

Crispin’s mom nodded again, gingerly. She really had been battered by that fat pig. Pen wanted to find him in the afterlife and kick his ass. “We can all do this. We’ll just do it one day at a time.”

Pen suspected it wouldn’t be that simple.


Zoey was worried.Pen wasn’t doing ok yet. She was better than she was, but her sister’s anxiety had just grown in the weeks since Eastman. Most of Pen’s time had been spent at the hospital, with Sydney and Jo-Jo. Grace, too.
