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Dusty hadn’t realized she’d gotten that close to him. She’d been leaning over his shoulder, reading his screen, and now…



Holy hell bananas, to borrow one of Charlotte’s favorite expressions, somehow, when she hadn’t been paying attention, she had slipped onto Ben’slap.

Or maybe she half-remembered his hands on her hips, guiding her to sit there, or something? She just couldn’t remember.

Ben’s lap. While they were talking about kissing.

And they were in kissing distance now. She couldn’t help herself, Dusty leaned back.

Hot, strong male hands fell—one to her knee, the other to her rear end—and he held her. Held her right where she was. Dusty wasn’t moving anytime soon.

His eyes were trained right on hers. She wasn’t about to look away.

Dusty didn’t think she actuallycould.“B-Ben? I…probably shouldn’t be sitting on your lap. It’s a little…weird.”

“Is it? I can’t think of a more perfect place to have you sitting right now.” His words were at a whisper. One hand rose, and he cupped her cheek.

His touch scorched her. No denying that.

This was Ben.Ben.And the look in his eyes wasn’t pseudo big brotherat all.“Ben…what…what are you doing?”

“I’m sitting here, thinking that good old Harry might just have the right idea.” He said it so slowly. A little shiver ofsomethingwent across her entire body. Every nerve she had went on instant alert. Just like he’d written for Sasha.

“How so?” Maybe she should learn to keep her mouth shut? She should. She definitely should. She could smell the soap he’d used. It was the same soap they had in every room. But on him, mingled with the warm male scent of him—okay.

Dusty was in serious trouble here.

“Because Sasha is driving him just as crazy as you are driving me. But he’s about to decide to do something about it. About…her…” His thumb brushed her bottom lip. His eyes darkened from Tyler blue, to almost black. From hunger. “You have the prettiest mouth I have ever seen. Maybe not when you are shooting fire at me, but…I look at you lately, and I want to do things to you that would shock you, Destiny Marie. Right down to that little toe you used to wear that ridiculous toe ring on. Things that would feel so damned good, we’d both want…more.”

No man had ever said things like that to her. No. Both of the men she had been intimately involved with had just somewhat happened. They’d drifted into bed together. Marin had criticized after Dusty’s last relationship had fizzled.

There had been no grand fire between them like Marin insisted should be.

Come to think of it, she didn’t even think she had ever sat on an attractive man’s lap like this before. Maybe that was it. What had her feeling so off-kilter?

Sitting on Ben’s lap was definitely off-kilter time.

This wasn’t exactly her wheelhouse here. She tried to will herself to stand. She knew he’d let her up the instant she demanded it. She trusted him probably more than she did any man other than her uncle in the entire world. Him, and his brothers.

She lifted one hand. Pressed it to his chest. Oh yes. That chest was just as hard as she’d imagined it would be when she’d first knocked on his door tonight. She was in serious trouble here.

His heart was racing against her palm. Hers sped up to almost echo his. “W-what?”

“What kind of things?” he asked, smirking.

His fingers sank into her hair. His other hand was still on her hip. He’d turned her somehow. Both of her knees were on his right. Her shoulder—all she had to do was lean in a little and she could rest her shoulder against that perfect man chest. His scent surrounded her. He smelled like heat and spice and just… Oh, hell.

“Be careful what you are asking me, Destiny Marie.”

He smelled perfect. The chest beneath her palm felt perfect.

His arms around her felt like fire. Just like Marin had told her a man’s should. This was insane. This wasBen.

“To hell with it. Let the demons take my soul, then.” Then his head lowered and she felt herself tilted back, just a little. Just enough to give him access. Ben’s mouth covered hers.
