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He stood. The book was finished. Sasha and Harry had shared arealistic,but beautiful kiss. One that had Harry tied up in knots. Things would progress a bit more between them over the next two or three books, he’d decided. He’d just wing it. See how it went. Ask his own woman for suggestions.

As soon as he found her.

Ben started for the door.

Just as it pushed open.

He just stopped. There she was. “Well. I think you have some of Marin’s magic powers, lady.”

“I don’t believe in that.” She stepped into his room, closed the door, and dropped a keycard on to the table next to his computer.

“I’m not sure you are supposed to barge into your guests’ rooms unannounced.” He crossed his arms over his chest, ignoring the slight pull in the stitches. Twelve stitches, that was all. He’d been ignoring them while he typed. While he distracted himself from waiting impatiently for the love of his life and everything. “I think there are laws against that.”

“So sue me.” She just looked at him. She looked tired. She’d been crying. But there was a resolve in those gorgeous greens. “Did you mean it?”

“Mean what exactly?”

“Two or three pretty babies and a pretty kind of life.”

She was just standing there, staring at him. Driving him insane. Ben wanted his hands on her. But…he was a big boy, a gentleman like his mama had raised him to be.

“Or…just what were you saying, Benjamin? What exactly do you want from me?”

Well, he wasn’t a stupid man, by any means.

Ben went straight to his woman. He bent. Slipped his good arm behind her waist, and lifted. “I thought you would never ask. That we would never get to this part. I have been waiting a lifetime for this moment.”

“What moment is that? Spell it out for me, Ben. Where…do you see this going?”

“Well, first, I am taking the woman I want to my bed. I have been thinking about carrying her off to my cave for what feels like a century. But since the wiring in that cave went kaplooey, that might not be a good idea right now. But I hear she has a bunch of mini-caves here. And then, well…”

Ben carried her to the window. Lowered her to her feet. “You see that castle right there. With the green shutters?”

“It’s dark out, Ben. All I can see is the driveway of the inn. And those houses are way too far away to see—even in the daylight.”

It was official, he’d have to be the one to teach their kids about Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny. This woman—he was going to be the imaginative one, apparently. He was good with that.

“Imagine it, woman. Imagine it. It’s right next door to my cousin Chandler’s place. It’s a foreclosure. I think it’s listed on a realtor site online, too. We can look later. Much later, even.”

“Okay. What about it?”

“Well. I’m thinking of buying it. Fixing it up, with some help from my Tyler worker-bee cousins and brothers.”

“And then?”

“Putting a little white picket fence in front. A better one than Hunter is giving Nikki, though. I’m competitive, you see.”


“If it’s not big enough for you, we can add on to the side of it. However big you want to go. I have money to do that.”

“Do you now?”

“Yes. I can take care of you forever. If you will let me.” He wanted that. He wanted his woman in his cave, while he slayed all the dragons of life that threatened her. No denying that. But mostly, he just wanted his Dusty Demoness for his very own.

“I can take care of myself.”

He knew that. And knew it would be important to her. He did know her so well, after all.
