Page 94 of The Loch Effect

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“There’s nothing to it, just do what the caller says. Come on.” He offered me his hand. “Have a go.”

I looked to Duncan, who nodded me on, apparently eager to watch the show. Well, he’d seen me do some pretty embarrassing things on this trip—might as well add dancing to the list.

I put my hand in Arnav’s and followed him to the dance floor where couples stood in rows, men facing women. The band struck up a faster song than I would have liked, and the dancers buzzed and whirled around me. I heard the caller but couldn’t make out what he said, and what I did hear made no sense when I didn’t know the moves. Mostly, I tried to copy the women around me without stumbling into anyone.

I laughed over my missteps when the couples came together again. Arnav held my hands as we moved back and forth, apparently unconcerned I had no clue what I was doing.

“I hope you’ve enjoyed your trip with us, Molly.” He shouted just to be heard over the band.

“It’s been the time of my life.” The stupid grin on my face and the lightness in my heart proved the truth of every word.

The couples moved apart again, and I swung around a different man, improvising shuffling steps as I went. When the dance finally ended, I was out of breath and probably as rosy-cheeked as everyone else. Arnav thanked me for the dance and stepped away to find another partner, so I made my way back to Duncan.

He watched me with a touch of pride. “You’re a natural.”

“I am nothing of the sort.” I laughed, pushing my hair away from my face where it clung in sweaty strands already. “I turned the wrong way every time and stepped on some poor man’s toes. I’m a failure.”

“A failure? The only failure is in not trying again.” He held out his hand. “Shall we?”

Somehow, I hadn’t actually expected him to dance, but I jumped at the chance to witness it. We stepped onto the dance floor in time to catch the next number. The moves proved no more intricate than the last, but I had no more success with them, either. I bumped into the ladies on both sides of me and even a gent as I passed him, but I didn’t let it get me down. I laughed the whole way, not caring how badly I messed up the moves.

Duncan had an easier time of it. His athleticism made him graceful, clunking along in his hiking boots. We made eyes at each other, hooking elbows and spinning in circles, never pausing even when I got lost in the shuffle and my next partner had to come running to find me.

After our first dance, I wound up paired with Rupert. Duncan bobbed his eyebrows at me over Bea’s silver hair. I caught glimpses of him nodding and cheering my way, watching me with undeniable affection through dance after dance. In this tiny space of happiness within this small, perfect vacation, it didn’t matter that we’d just met—I knew this man. He had sparked a flame inside me, and I wanted to reach out and grab my life with both hands.

At last, I spun back into Duncan’s arms, and we laughed as we held tight to each other. He leaned in to kiss me as naturally as if it’d been part of the dance. We were in a room crowded with strangers, but I returned the kiss with all my heart.

When he pulled back, I blurted out the first thing that came to mind. “Do you want to go back to my room?”

“Hell, yes.”

We laughed all over again as he took my hand and led me from the dance floor. Rushing through the streets of Edinburgh, we hardly noticed the people we passed, our attention was so taken up with each other. Duncan’s smoldering gaze showed me no mercy, and I kept on grinning at him like a lovesick fool.

Wait, lovesick?

I pushed that thought away for later. No time to stop and wonder at it now.

As soon as the hotel elevator’s doors closed, Duncan’s mouth met my neck, kissing his way up to my ear. I inhaled slowly as he nibbled on my earlobe and moved across my jaw. Just before his lips could reach mine, the elevator doors opened at our floor.

I fumbled through my purse for my room key. He stood behind me, his hands resting on my waist. He pulled my hair aside so he could kiss the nape of my neck, his breath sending fiery tendrils across my skin. Locating the slim key card was no easy feat with distractions like that, but I finally unlocked the door and we stepped inside.

I almost expected to find Harlow on the second bed, but the room remained blissfully empty. I tossed my purse onto the chair and faced Duncan. He watched me with that calm, controlled look he had that I just loved, like he was imagining every little thing he wanted to do to me, but he could be patient until I came to him.

So I did.

Held in his arms, the same sensation I’d had on Storr washed over me, like I’d come home. Like I belonged right here. I filed that away, too, as something to ponder later. Right now, I just wanted to experience him.

His hands moved over my back and waist, his eyes never leaving mine as he mapped me. His touch was purposeful, firm but gentle. There was nothing timid about him, but he wasn’t too forward, either. We might have been together for years instead of days.

I glided my hands along those majestic biceps to his shoulders. One hand went to the nape of his neck, the other to the hollow at his throat. Finally, I moved my fingers up to run them over his beard, and he made a sound like an engine purring to life.

I leaned closer, placing a chaste kiss on his mouth. Then another. Again and again my soft kisses fell until I lightly bit his lower lip. He held my face in both his hands and took control, sending my thoughts spinning with every touch. How could a man both ground me and overwhelm me so thoroughly?

He pressed kisses across my jaw, up to my forehead, down my nose. His mouth turned up on one side. “Are you sure you wouldn’t rather have chocolate?”

I sure couldn’t speak for all men, but this one? He just might be worth everything.

I lightly pinched his side even as I tugged him closer. “I’m choosing you.”

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