Page 20 of Calavera Society

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Sleep has always evaded me;growing up with my mother will do that to you. So, when I felt someone watching me, I cracked my eyes open slightly, I was able to make out a man in a sugar skull mask staring at my fingers. It took everything in me not to reach for the gun under my pillow. I just kept my breathing even, waiting for this fucker to do something I’d make him die for…you know, aside from breaking into Val’s room while she slept.

Only I could do that.

It was my niche and it looked better on me.

Once he left the room, I quickly jumped up from the bed and grabbed my gun. I made my way into the hall, avoiding spots I knew creaked underfoot and watched the asshole leisurely make his way down the stairs, stopping at each of Val’s photos like a fucking creep.

Again, that’s my gig. Who the fuck was this guy?

When he went into what I call theghettobrary, I knew he had cornered himself. There’s no way out except through me and I have the gun.

I take in his casual stance, my surprise not really having the effect I had hoped for. Begging would be nice.

With the barrel of my gun, I gesture to the empty chair in the corner, “Siéntate, vamos a hablar.”Have a seat, we’re going to talk.

His broad shoulders show a slight tension, but other than that, he seems calm as he backs up toward the chair in the corner and sits.

Either thischavalais incredibly confident in himself or he has no self-preservation. Either works for me, I’ll just bring him down a peg or give him a reason to value his worthless life.

“Are we going to talk, pretty boy, or are you just going to imagine my death the way you imagine having that sleeping beauty upstairs?”

God, his voice is something else. Why I pictured a high-pitched whine as his voice is beyond me, but this guy could read through one of Valentina’s Encyclopedias and make it sound hot as fuck.

Still, his mocking words piss me off, but at least I know that somehow, this bastard has been watching us long enough to spot my weakness for Val. Too bad for him it’s not a soft spot.

I may be gentle and loving with Val, but I’m as cruel as they come to the rest of the world. It’s what happens when you care very little for living…it’s Val who keeps me here. She’s the one who makes me want to kill, to make the world go through me to get to her, she makes me want to bathe her in the blood of anyone who has the balls to fuck with her.

“It’s true, that girl up there is my reason, which makes me very dangerous to you.Entiendes vato?” I smile, tilting my head to the side as I eye his neck tattoos, “I don’t give two fucks who you are, who you roll with or even what family you belong to, I will kill you and deliver your heart to your up mother.”

His breathing stops completely. What’s with this guy? He breaks into this house; walks around like he owns the place but yet has a sore spot concerning his mom?

My grin kicks up higher, “Oh, I’m sorry, mama’s boy didn’t like that. Please, act on your anger, I’d love nothing more.”

I watch him as he visibly relaxes, his face dipping to the picture he took from the stairwell wall, but I don’t miss the way his fingers grip the wood.

“A dig for a dig, no big deal.” His voice has a Spanish lilt to it, similar to my own.

“Good. Now, you want to tell me why you’re in this house?”

I don’t expect a liar to be truthful, but with everything I’ve learned tonight, I’m not taking any chances that this vato is from that fucked up Society.

“Not particularly, but seeing as you have a gun, and I have people waiting for me, I’ll go ahead and tell you.”

He leans back, his legs spreading wide in ano-fucks-givenkind of way with his head tilted to the side like he’s sizing me up behind the mask.

I’m a pretty big guy for my age, a wrestler all through high school and a football player through the last three years. Working out is my way of coping with the shit life I have, making me a gym rat through and through, so I believe I could take this guy in a fight. He’s my height, slightly bulkier build -unless his black letterman jacket makes him look bigger than he is- and if his muscular thighs are anything to go on, the guy works out just as much as I do.

Still, I’m the one with a gun and every right to shoot an intruder.

“I’ll tell you what I can–”

“No, you’ll tell me what I want to know,” I interrupt him, “or I’ll shoot you in the chest and be done with it.”

His laugh is muffled, “You shoot me, and my guys will come in and kill everyone in the house.”
