Page 79 of Calavera Society

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I don’t know how long I was unconscious for, but once I return to the land of the somewhat living, I realize I’m no longer in the gym. Rey’s voice echoes in my head, the last words he spoke repeating themselves like a broken record meant to torture.

I groan as I blink open my eyes. I can’t quite make out where I am since the room is spinning like a top, but I can tell I’m seated in a plush chair, like one you’d find in the corner of a bookshop. My stomach rolls violently as I lift my head and try to look around, spotting no one but red walls and black curtains hanging. Sluggishly, I pat my pockets for my phone but come up empty. I’m in my workout clothes, so I know I don’t have any weapons on me.

“Welcome back, sunshine.” Mateo’s voice pounds through my skull making my stomachache even harder, but I swallow down my sickness and force myself to sit up.

“Where the fuck is he?” I manage to get out through clenched teeth.

“Where’s who?”

If I didn’t feel like the floor was about to roll beneath me like an ocean wave, I’d break this sarcastic fuck’s neck.

“Rey.” I growl as I push myself off the chair, “Where the fuck is he?”

My stomach rolls as I step closer to Mateo, but thankful the spinning has slowed to a wobble. Just as I reach him, he puts his hands up in mock surrender. He’s dressed like he’s about to walk the red carpet; black suit, white button up shirt with the top three buttons undone, exposing the ink on his chest. His hair is as it always is, feathered at the sides with the curled ends folding back. He honestly looks like a drummer from the eighties.

The clown like tattoo under his right eye seems to stand out more tonight as though he touched up the ink recently, but I force myself to keep my eyes locked on his as I wait for his answer.

“He went to run errands for his pops, but Roberto asked me to be here when you woke up.”

I stare at him with my brows furrowed as confusion floods my mind, “I–Roberto? Forget it, I don’t have time for your shit. Rey fucking kidnapped me like a psycho—”

“He is a psycho.”

I ignore his interruption and continue on, “Drugged me and brought to whereverhereis—”

“The president’s suite in the Calavera Society house.”

“Mateo!” I bark when he interrupts once again, “This may be a game to you, but it’s not. I’m leaving now but if you see Rey before I do, let him know I have a bullet with his name on it.”

I push past him and reach for the door handle, but it’s locked…with a key? There’s no deadbolt, no button, knob, latch, there’s nothing on the door that would indicate there’s even a way to lock it from the inside like a normal room, but no amount of twisting and yanking makes the door budge.

I spin in place, my heart rate beginning to pick up, and begin looking for other exits, but there are none, not even a window. Stone walls painted red surround me in what looks like an old gothic master bedroom. There’s a four-post king size bed with red and black gauze hanging from the ornate chandelier above it. What is that even called?

The headboard is shiny black wood carved intricately with red velvet plush for comfortably sit back against. The duvet and pillows look as soft as a fucking cloud; I just want to drop on it and sleep until my bones no longer hurt and this pounding in my head leaves. But I have more important things to worry about—like getting out of this room for one.

“If you’re done playing Houdini, I think we should talk. Then you can leave.”

Mateo moves to the mini bar, running a hand through his hair as he checks himself out in the giant mirror before pouring two drinks.

He offers me the second glass and I feel my anger rise. What the hell is it with these entitled fucking cunts? It’s like kidnapping and drugging someone is just a regular Tuesday for them.

“How about I shove that drink—”

“Val’s life is about to change.”

His words cut off my own. But then I remember ritual night and remind myself that Rey and Mateo are both manipulative pricks who shouldn’t be trusted. I cock a brow for him to continue.

“Depending on your cooperation from this moment on, this life altering situation can turn out to be good for her. She’ll have a set future, wealth like never before, she’ll never know a day of struggle, you know, all the good shit people covet. But, if you fail to cooperate, fail to do as you're told,” he tilts his head from side to side and he steps closer to me “tu sabes.”


His brows fold inward as he sips his drink, “Why what? Why does it depend on you, why does she have this opportunity, why does your dick get hard? There’s so manywhy’s, my friend. You’ll have to be more specific.”

I give him a hard stare, imagining the most colorful ways I can wipe that smug look off his face. Before I can decide on one, the sound of the door unlocking behind me has me freezing for a second. I turn around and brace myself, fully expecting to come face-to-face with Rey, but it’s Roberto who walks through instead.

“Hello, Noah. Thank you for being here tonight.”
