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He chuckles, rubbing a hand behind his head nervously, before stooping down and lifting a large basket into his arms.

“I’m sorry for coming by so late,” he says as he steps forward, forcing me to move aside before I get run over. “I’m not very good at this job, much to my father’s disappointment, so I’m a bit behind schedule. I’m afraid I may not see you again after this.”

“What do you mean?” I ask the strange man as I watch him move around the room, putting towels and folded sheets on the dresser before accidentally kicking the trash can beside it. I cover my mouth to stifle my laugh when he turns and knocks the basket off the bed with his ass.

He straightens and sighs, scrubbing a hand over his face before looking at me, exasperation written across his handsome features.

“That’swhat I mean.”

I can’t hold my laughter back then. He narrows his eyes at me, playfully huffing before squatting to pick the trash up. I walk to his side and do it for him, not wanting there to be something inmytrash that I don’t want him seeing.

“You’re a funny guy, Mero. If it helps, I’ll put in a good word for you, but I don’t have much pull here, so don’t expect a miracle.”

“I appreciate that,” he laughs.

When the trash is all picked up, I stand and pick up the basket, but Mero stops me.

“Who’s the help here, me or you?”

I chuckle again, crossing my arms over my chest with a cocked brow. “Definitely not you. I don’t think putting in a good word would help you at this point.”

He rolls his pretty blue eyes and runs a hand through his hair. “Probably not, but at least I got to spend my last night entertaining you, Miss Guzmán.”

“Please, call me Vicenta.”

He stares at me for a minute and I’m once again struck by the oddity of this man being an attendant. It just doesn’t fit him.

He gives me a wink that makes me blush for some reason. “Well,Vicenta, how about you just go back to whatever it was you were doing before I interrupted? I’ll get things done and be out of your hair.”

I sigh, and move to the armchair. “I wasn’t doing anything. Besides, you’re the first one here to actually speak to me—well, aside from Lupita.”

He moves to the bed, handing me my phone before removing the blankets and sheets, tossing them all on the floor near the foot of the bed.

“You really don’t strike me as a maid.” I fold my lips inward at the word when he sends a playful glare over his broad shoulder. “Sorry, I meantnight attendant.”

He tucks the clean sheet under the bed corners before sitting down with his brow arched.

“What do I strike you as?”

I look at him again, tapping my finger against my chin as I think. Even wearing the extra large button-down shirt that looks like it would fit better on a rodeo cowboy, I can tell he’s ripped. His legs are muscular and perfectly encased in cargo jeans that really donotmatch the funky shirt he’s wearing.

I note the tattoos on his knuckles; a snake on the middle finger, with an image of La Muerte on the index, and a devil on the ring finger. There’s more that disappear under the shirt and some that peek up out of the collar. His full lips fold inward at my appraisal of his body, his head tilting as he waits for my answer.

“A cowboy stripper,” I tell him finally.

He smiles, his white teeth brilliant against his tanned skin and making me feel at ease. I could easily see myself becoming friends with this guy.

“Close, but not quite right.” He winks before standing and continuing his work.

“Which part did I get wrong? The stripper or the cowboy?”

He huffs and shakes his head but doesn’t answer. I watch him move around, putting away folded sheets, replacing trash bags with new ones—he even fluffs my pillows, making me stare in bewilderment at how odd he looks doing it. Once in a while, his eyes glance in my direction, but he never speaks again. When he’s done with everything, he walks over to me.

“That’s all I needed to do in here, but…I wanted to express my sympathies.”

I look up at him in confusion. “What do you mean?”

“Well, it’s no secret that you’re marryingSeñorBanderas, who is frankly old enough to bemyfather.”
