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When he begins to groan, I know his climax is upon him. He slams into me for the final time, holding himself deep as he comes. I sigh and relax into the mattress, hissing slightly when he pulls out of me. With my body languid and boneless, I feel him kiss my shoulder before standing, followed by the sound of a door shutting.

I lay there for a while, my mind peacefully quiet, my chest loose and unburdened by pain. I know I should get up and leave, go sleep on a beach somewhere, but here in this soft bed with the sounds of the ocean just outside the windows, I find myself unable to move.

“It’s just pretend,” I whisper to myself as sleep claims me.



“Mala Fama” by Danna Paola

The text from Romero sits open on my phone: a picture of a naked and sleeping Vicenta staring at me cruelly, mockingly. The glass of tequila in my hand flies across the room and breaks against the wall of my penthouse, making my trusted guard, Mateo, jerk in his seat.

“All you have to do is order it and we’ll send someone in to get her,” he says calmly.

I breathe through my anger, picking up the phone once more as I speak through gritted teeth.

“I won’t risk him killing her.”

She looks just like she did that last time I had her. Sated and peaceful because of me and my touches. Now, she lies in the bed of my enemy, sated and peaceful because ofhistouches. I read the text he sent along with the image, my hand squeezing the phone so tightly the screen cracks.

Romero:I gave her what she wanted, a night to forget you.

I grind my jaw as I type out a reply.

Me:You may have been the one inside her tonight, but trust me when I tell you it was me she was imaging.

I see the bubbles pop up as he begins replying.

Romero:By the end of the week, she’ll have forgotten you all together. She’ll be mine because she’ll want to be by my side, not because she was forced to be by yours.

Me:We’ll see. I had all her firsts, Herrera. She’s not likely to forget that.

He doesn’t reply to that, knowing full well I’m right. Vicenta was the virgin I took and she’ll never forget the first person to give her those types of highs. Her pure blood marked me as hers and no matter what transpired tonight, she still will be mine in the end.

Herrera wants to challenge me for her, then so fucking be it. I accept and I will come out on top. Vicenta will be at my side and there’s not a thing Romero fucking Herrera can do about it.

I look at Mateo, my jaw set tightly. “She doesn’t know who he is.”

“What makes you think that?”

I look back down at the picture, taking note of the view outside the floor to ceiling windows, my mind traveling back to when we were together before my mother died. His words come back to me as fresh as they were that day:This is my castle, where no one knows who I am, where I can play pretend and just be ‘Mero.

I walk to my window, the one facing the south, my eyes on the penthouse a few blocks away from me. I see a lone figure standing on the balcony, his waist covered with only a towel.

We stare at one another, neither of us willing to break eye contact first.

“Because he has her in his penthouse, where he plays pretend.”



“Siguete Moviendo” by Dj Yus

I groan and roll over, my hand brushing across the empty bed. I crack my eyes open and look around the room, finding Vicenta looking out at the waters from my balcony. I smile, thinking of Alvaro. He’s probably watching her now, that poor fucking sap.

Standing and stretching before entering the restroom and brushing my teeth, I wash my face and run my wet fingers through my hair. I grab some black sweat pants and pull them on, leaving my shirt off for now. When I’m done, I return to the balcony and lean against the frame, staring at the beautiful girl. She wears one of my white t-shirts, the hem reaching just below her lucious ass as she reaches up to push her hair over her head.
