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“Buenos días, Señor.”

I speak to her in quick Spanish, telling her I need bags of clothes delivered in Vicenta’s sizes, grateful I happened to notice the tags on her clothing last night. After she’s done writing down my request, she looks up at me waiting for more instructions.

“Have a bikini delivered within the hour.”

I tap the desk and leave her to it, ignoring her flustered words of goodbye.

When I get back to my penthouse, I enter the bedroom, only to find Vicenta sitting at my desk with my laptop open, her burning eyes sliding up to mine, betrayal and hurt shining brightly in her honey irises.Fuck me, my phone and laptop are synced… She saw everything.

“Vicenta, I—”

She interrupts me, her jaw clenched, “Romero fucking Herrera.”



“Tenemos Que Hablar” by Danna Paolo

When I shut off the shower and got out, wrapping a towel around myself, I heard this annoying sound coming from behind another closed door in the hallway. I knocked on the wood but didn’t get a response, so like a nosy bitch, I tried the knob and found it unlocked.

I called out ‘Mero’s name and went in search of him as the pinging continued in the other room, but he was nowhere in sight. Rushing back to the room, knowing the sound was a device that would be able to help me get in contact with Vicente, I pushed open the door.

I looked around at the bedroom that was obviously ‘Mero’s actual bedroom. It didn’t bother me. We were just two strangers, of course he’d only let me in the guest bedroom.

But when I got to the laptop, I knew that wasn’t the only reason.

The text messages between him and Alvaro told me everything I needed to know; I was being used between them. I was turned into a game between two cartel men, a bone between the dogs.

My humiliation was outshined by my fury when I saw a picture of my brother.

Alvaro has Vicente and he’s going to do the same shit his father did—use him to make me bend. I’m not surprised. Hurt, yes, but not surprised. After all, he’d done it before and despite his apology on the beach, he did it once more.

Then there’s Romero, using myfirstsas a flaming arrow, mocking me by sharing what we did, what Igaveto him, as though I’m his conquest.

“Vicenta, I—”

I interrupt him, “Romero fucking Herrera.”

I stare at the man standing in front of me, imagining his blood and brain matter splattered on the wall. He moves toward me, his eyes searching for what to say, but I step back, holding my finger up.

“Don’t you dare come near me.”

He stops, his hands held up in front of him. “Okay, I won’t come near you, but you have to hear me out.”

I scoff, my anger turning into a hysterical laugh. “Ihaveto? I fuckinghaveto?” I shake my head. “No, I don’thaveto do shit,Romero. You lied to me, made me look like fucking idiot, pretending like you were my friend when all this time—from my room at the mansion to right now—you’ve been laughing behind my back.”

I roughly wipe a tear from my eye, my voice burning with emotion. “You knew the entire time that it was Alvaro who hurt me, and youusedit against me, Romero.”

His face blanches like he feels remorse for his bullshit lies, but I’m done believing these men. The only guy I’ll ever trust is my brother and if that means I have to be alone for the rest of my life, then I will be. I’d rather have my freedom and sanity than deal with this shit.

I pull out the computer chair and sit down, crossing my legs in front of me. “You and Alvaro have used and abused my trust. I gave you my confidenceandmy body only to have youculerosmock me. Now get fucking comfortable,Don Herrera,becauseyouare going to tell me everything. He has my brother and I’m not going to allow him to be used like a fucking chew toy for you wolves.”

His face hardens, his blue eyes burning with anger at how I’ve spoken to him. I smile, loving the fact that I’ve hit his precious ego with my words and tone.

“What’s the matter,Romero? Don’t you like being treated like shit, or is that something you’d rather dish out?” I jut my bottom lip out as I stand, moving closer to him. “Pobresito.”

I slap him across the face. “You and Alvaro are the worst kind of men. Lying, selfish, pieces of shit. I hate you both.”
