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“He called?”

She rolls her eyes and blows out a breath, rubbing her face before smoothing her hands over her head and resting on her neck.

“He left a voice message but I could tell he was drunk again.”

I sigh and kiss her knee before moving beside her and pushing myself up the side to sit next to her.

“He called me as well.” She looks at me, her brows jumping high, making me huff. “Yeah, I know. Shocked me too.”

Things between me and Alvaro haven’t been exactly easy since meeting at the beach last week, but I promised him I’d give some time to process everything. It’s not like Vicenta expected we’d be best buddies overnight, but I know somewhere deep inside, she had hoped for that.

Some wounds never heal, making us learn how to live with them open and festering.

He asked me to keep Vicenta safe and away from him for a while, which I have, but he can’t seem to keep himself from calling her while wasted. Thankfully, she’s been asleep each time, receiving drunk voice messages instead. Granted, he doesn’t sound like a sloppy drunk, calling to express his undying love or some shit, but if you’re as attuned to him as I am, or as Vicenta is becoming, you’d know instantly his check-ins are drowned in tequila.

“But each message lets us know he’s okay, right?”

I nod to her, running my hand through my wet hair. “Exactly. He’ll come around when he’s ready to, I promise.”

She nods and sighs, leaning her head against my shoulder. After a few minutes of silence, she blows out a breath and wipes her eyes.

“My mom called me.”

I lace our fingers together. “Did you talk to her?”

“No, I just watched it ring and ring until it went to voicemail. I don’t know what to say to her.”

I use my knuckle under her chin to lift her face to mine.

“Baby, you don't have to live without her. I can arrange for her to come here if that would make you happy.”

Her eyes brighten. “Really?”

I cup her jaw and press a kiss between her brows. “Of course. I already told you this—if there’s anything I can do for you, I will.”

Just as she’s about to speak, Vicente comes barreling through the back door with Kat chasing him, a rolling pin in her fist and flour all over her furious face.

She spits a flurry of Spanish curses that make my brows hit my hairline.

“Hijo de la chingada!”

Vicente laughs as he jumps—fully clothed—into the pool, splashing me and Vicenta while Kat stops at the edge.

“You have to come out of there sometime, Vicente. I’ll be waiting.” Kat shakes the rolling pin in the air, pulling off her chancla and throwing it with precision, nailing him right on the forehead before he can duck into the water.

He clicks his tongue, blowing her a kiss from the center of the pool as he slicks his wet hair back. “I’ll just do that thing you like with my—”

He drops under the water whenDiablaand Kat yell to cut off his words, the latter throwing the rolling pin and narrowly missing his head.

“I’m going to murder your brother, Vicenta. I swear to God.”

Diablaglares at him when he pops back up. “That’s fair. I’ll even help you.”

I laugh at her threat, unable to imagine her even raising a finger to herpreciousbrother.

She turns her glare on me. “Don’t make me add you to the list.”

“Oh, asi, Diabla?”
