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No point dwelling. Because he’s not here. And he never will be here again.

She focused her efforts to polishing the bar for a few more minutes before Mack’s voice cut through her reverie.

“Hey Princess, I’m heading out, okay?”

“God, Mack. You scared me to death.”

“Sorry, hon. Everything all good? I see that look in your eye.”

“What look?” she asked, continuing to wipe down the dark oak bar.

“That look. I know it. That’s your ‘I’m thinking about my dad’ look.”

She just gave him a look. “Didn’t realize I was so transparent.”

“You’re not. I just know what to look for.”

“Fair enough,” she said. “But I’m okay, thanks. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“Okay kiddo,” he said as he turned to go. But he turned back at looked at her. “Bloom, he was a good man, your father. He meant a lot to this town. Hell, he worked more than all of us combined. But when you came along, out of the blue like that,” Mack paused. “Well, sure, at first he was a bit shocked, maybe even a little pissed that your mom had kept you a secret from him. But boy, was he proud too. He loved you a lot. Everyone can’t say that, so you hold that close, okay? That’s what you hold onto.”

“Ah, Mack…you know how to get to me! Thank you. I will hold onto that.”

“Goodnight, kiddo.”

“Night, Mack.” And he was gone.

It was just her here now.

Mack had been telling the truth. She had felt it. Her dad’s love. While his first love had clearly been The Tree and its patrons, her father had made room for her in his heart. He had brought her in, raised her and instilled in her that same love for The Tree, and really for the whole town. But she had not been born here, and try as she might, all the welcoming smiling faces never quite reached her heart.

Only her father had done that.

And one other.Him.

Too bad that had turned sour as well.

She still couldn’t believe it. Everything had a way of turning to shit for her.

No, she was meant to be alone.

Besides, she had The Tree. That was enough.

Eventually she made her way upstairs to her own quarters. It had been a long day. So much had happened that she was wrung out both physically and emotionally. And she was ready for it. Blissful unconsciousness.

Hopefully she would make it to morning with no three A.M. wake ups. She was too tired and had no sooner laid down in bed than she was out.


The next morning, he was maybe a little surprised to feel a renewed pep in his step as he strode into the Tribunal office, and that was before he even grabbed a coffee.

I guess I needed that shift and flight more than I thought.

He felt his dragon swing its massive tail around in annoyance.We needed that shift.

He stopped off at the kitchen area to get his caffeine fix on and headed for his desk, ready to tackle the day.

As he passed through the door, he gave the little plaque that read “Chief” a little polish.
