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“And I will show you ten more in the next three days, probably,” she laughed, poking him in the ribs. “I still can’t believe you got Nilsa and the other fae to sort things out with The Tree! I have to say, at first I was a little, I don’t know, jealous? That’s my tree spirit!” she laughed. “But then it all made sense. The Tree, she was looking out for me. She knew if she created the back beer garden for me, I never would have found love. I was in real danger of never leaving The Tree again, for that matter.”

“I did have to dig pretty deep to get their help.” He smiled at her. “But nothing’s too good for my mate,” he said, hamming up his chivalry.

She held onto his arm as they walked along taking in Fae Crossing as they did.

I must be the luckiest girl in the world,she thought, as they strolled up the sidewalk. If she wasn’t waving to someone, then he was. As they walked by the Grizzly Den, she asked him, “So, do they have Shifter Studies classes as well?”

“I don’t know, you’ll have to ask Nilsa, but I bet they do.”

“If they don’t, I suppose I will just have to drop by the Den from time to time to soak in the shifter vibes.”

“If you think you can handle slumming with us,” he joked.

“Slumming nothing. I can’t wait.”

They walked on for a few more minutes in silence just enjoying each other’s company before she asked, “So, about that college kid. Was it just some clueless kid who stumbled on the drug?”

“Makes me feel kind of dumb when you put it like that, but yeah basically.”

“Did you get the full story yet?”

“More or less from what they told me so far, he was making some extra cash and fueling whatever anarchist philosophy got him off by making some more standard drugs. He somehow stumbled into a patch of magic mushrooms. But the real kind. They are still trying to sort out how that happened. Seems the local fae got lazy and hadn’t been keeping up the wards to keep the dell hidden. Or Etta thinks the kid might have some fae way back in his lineage that allowed him to enter and harvest it.”

“That’s crazy!”

“That’s what I said. But either way, Nilsa and Etta whammied him and half his friends, after he led them to the patch, of course. They warded the hell out of it, and will be having some conversations with the local fae for sure.”

“So, all this was caused by some kid?”

“Yup, seems the drug was getting really popular at the school and a local gang got wind and had the kid working overtime. To tell you the truth, the kid had really gotten himself in deep. Too deep. I think he was relieved to get caught. It wasn’t going to end well.”

“But what about the gang?”

“Oh, they are all whammied too, just like the ones we caught.”

“Is that safe?”

“I don’t know. I mean, I think so? According to Etta, pretty much every human out there has been charmed more times than they could count. I guess it’s getting harder and harder to stay hidden among them. But they don’t seem any worse for the wear,” he said happily.

“I guess…” She wasn’t so sure, but whatever.

They walked on happily. The only regret she had was that she had let things go sour between them two years ago.

They walked on, passing the shops on the main avenue. Kim and Chris passed and waved happily. According to Etta they were settling in very well. It had been decided that Kim definitely had the sight. Chris as well for that matter even if not as strong.

She loved this town.

They passed through the Four Corners, but went right rather than head to her beloved Tree. She had decided it would be a perfect day to explore the follies of the park.

This time without worrying about being ambushed by bad guys, thank you very much.

As they walked amongst the roman revivals, she gazed at her man, her dragon. Her mate.

I wasn’t ready for him then. And he wasn’t ready for me.

But now it’s perfect, just perfect.

She had never felt more at peace. Never more whole. She had truly never been happier.
