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He thought he felt a headache coming on.

“Hey Dax. So, I hear you are gonna be paying Bloom a visit? That sounds like it will be fun. Maybe give things another try?”

You have to be kidding. Oh wait.Maybe there was hope.

He spun his chair around to properly glare at Jack, whose desk was across the bull-pen-like office area they all shared. He had just come in.

“Good news travels fast, huh?”

“Well, Rollo might have mentioned a certain disgruntled fae gentleman getting ‘ported by that freaky bar last night. And I couldn’t help noticing him in the drunk tank this morning either. He is not happy, by the way.”

“Whatever. I couldn’t care less about his feelings at this moment.”

“Hey, what you say goes. Just saying, no need to antagonize the fae more than necessary.”

“Yeah, whatever. We can only do so much to placate them, man.” Dax waved his hand dismissively. He could handle the fae.

Come to think of it, that should be my job description.Handling Fae.

“Anyhow, to get back to your little remark, no, I will not be going to The Tree today.Youwill be going to The Tree.”

“Um, well, you know it’s the first Friday of the month, right?” Jack replied.

“Yeah, so?” Dax didn’t like where this was going.

“So, that’s when I always have the Woodland Rambles for the kids. I was just in early to get a few things handled before I head out to my cabin to meet them. Remember?”

“Oh, for fuck’s sake.” He threw the pencil he was holding across the room. “Fine. Do your little community service youth thing. Where are Dayton and Clint?”

“Um, I could tell you, but you’re not going to like it,” Jack said, as he subtly guided his chair behind a nearby filing cabinet, presumably for better cover from flying projectiles.

“Tell me.”

“Fishing.” He waited a beat. “Off the Florida gulf coast.”

He spun around and laid his head on his desk.

“Since when do we have four-day work weeks? And my day started so well.”

“Come on, Dax. You’re the one who said we all deserved some rest. You know we have been going full tilt for a while now. It won’t be that bad.”

“Ugg,” Dax grunted as he sprang out of his chair decisively. “Maybe no one will have to go. Come with me to talk to Marius. I could use an observer while I talk to him. It won’t take long, okay?”

“Absolutely. Let’s go,” Jack said. They all reveled in talking shit to one another, but when it came time for business, their focus was complete.

Dax filled him in on the finer points of what had transpired the night before as they made their way down to the cell in the basement.

Apparently, Marius had not made any trouble that morning.

Sure enough, it was a much different Marius that sat before them when they finally spoke with him.

“Look, like I said, it was all just a misunderstanding,” he said as he sat and rubbed at his temples. Dax also noted that his hat was back squarely on his head. “I don’t want to get the Council involved if I don’t have to, so just let me go on my way and we’ll call it even, alright? Maybe I drank a little too much…that’s it. But you really need to tell that chick to chill out at The Tree. Talk about overreaction.”

Gone was all the bravado, and also the giddiness.

“What was up with your lightning fast speed and that wind trick you did?” Dax asked.
