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Her words cut him deeply, but he couldn’t show it. There was too much riding on it for that indulgence.

“Bloom, I’m sorry, but as you well know, the Tribunal can’t share any details of an active investigation.”

“Oh really? Anactiveinvestigation? Because last I heard you were treating it like a cold case.”

Shit, that’s right. That’s what they told her to stop her from always wanting to interfere.

He didn’t blame her for being angry. But that didn’t change anything.

“I know it must be difficult for you, but we will let you know if we have something. But remember, technically speaking, it was never officially ruled a homicide.”

He saw her face flush a deep red.

“Oh please. That was no wild animal attack. You know it. I know it. Everyone knows it. Don’t insult me by pretending any differently.”

I do know it.But he couldn’t tell her that. Before he could deflect her comment, she continued, “So if you are not here to tell me once again about your lack of progress in my father’s case, how about you tell me what I can do for you?”

Damn.Circumstances aside, his skin was practically burning with her proximity.

Even as she did her best to freeze him out, all he could focus on were her beautiful lips, and those curves. Jeezus.Settle down.

But he wasn’t settling down. He remembered what it had felt like to just hold her in his arms. And the effortless excitement and sparks that had flown between them that first night they had finally gone on an official date. Things had only grown more intense.

A tingle of pleasure shot through him, and he felt his manhood swell as his dragon all but purred for her.Shit.It was as if no time at all had passed.


He knew all the chemistry in the world wouldn’t make them a good fit. Even if it weren’t for the complications with her father’s case. And that was a big ‘if”, could things ever even work with a fae.Half-fae,he corrected himself.

He believed they could all live together in harmony, sure, but have a real shot?

Fae and shifters go together like cats and dogs.

He shook himself.

“There has been some trouble with Marius,” he said, watching her face to gauge her reaction.

Yes. Focus on business.

He had tried to break through her walls back then, but had decided it was a losing battle. Of course she couldn’t understand why he had suddenly clammed up, and of course he couldn’t tell her. The whole thing had been a mess. Doomed from the start.

“Ah, Marius, right,” she said, seeming to recall the incident now. “He was nothing The Tree couldn’t handle,” she said flatly.

“Yeah. That’s kind of why I’m here. I don’t like to get too involved in fae affairs any more than I need to, but did you really have to blast him into the middle of nowhere for what, getting a bit loud? Don’t you have bouncers?”

“Well, Officer Carlyle,Ididn’t do anything.Ashdid. And if the bar thought it was necessary, I’m not going to question it. And he was getting more than ‘a bit loud.’ He definitely deserved it, so I am not sure what the problem is,” she added.

Ms, …can I just call you Bloom please? And please call me Dax, okay? I get it, you are not happy with me, but I can’t remember the last time, actually, I can’t rememberanytime anyone has ever called me Officer Carlyle.

“Well, I am sure none of your shifter cronies would need to call you anything official. Shouldn’t you be down at the Grizzly Den, by the way? I am surprised to see you can be bothered to address a fae problem.”

“We serve all of Fae Crossing, Bloom, shifter and fae alike,” he said, in as calm a voice as he could muster.

“Oh really? You could have fooled me. Seems to me you dropped my father’s case easily enough. Or was it because problems closer to home arose? Shifter problems.” He could tell she was getting emotional but was trying to control herself.

And she was correct in a sense. Of course he couldn’t tell her that.
