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“Are you okay? What happened?”

She thought the woman hesitated for an instant before her reply came spilling out.” I don’t know. We are between connections on our bus, I think we missed it now,” the woman said frantically.

“Okay, okay, just slow down,” Bloom said in her most soothing tone.

“And suddenly, they were just on us. Are you okay, honey?” she said, addressing her daughter.

“Yeah, yeah, I’m okay.”

“We need to call the police,” Bloom exclaimed.

“No,” the women said almost in unison. “No, we’re fine. It must have just… Um, we just need to find a place to stay. Thank you, you have done enough.” The woman began to fumble with her purse and pulled out a bus schedule.

The woman was in no condition to go anywhere.

Bloom, haven’t you had enough excitement for one day?And she thought of what she considered to have been her father’s tragic flaw as well. But she just couldn’t leave them here either.

“Listen, I have kind of a big place and plenty of room, why don’t you come over to my place. I mean, you’ll see.”

“Really? I don’t know,” the woman said.

“Mom, yes, come on,” her teenaged daughter quickly said. “Please.” It was unclear if the ‘please’ was directed at Bloom or her mother.

Interrupting the mother’s pondering, she quickly said, “I’m Bloom,” as she offered her hand.

“Kim,” said the daughter.

Finally starting to compose herself, the mother said, “I’m Chris, and yes, thank you. Maybe it would be good to have a place to rest a bit, but we don’t want to impose.”

“It’s no problem, really,” she said. “Oh and, uh, so, are you into magic?” She had found this was a pretty good screening question when she wasn’t sure where someone fell on the supernatural spectrum. If they were in the know, they would start running off at the mouth about shifter powers or witchy stuff. Or at the other end of it, they might think you had a screw loose if they were your basic generic human – like those in the world that Bloom remembered from her childhood. Little had she know what else the world had to offer.

“Magic?” said the mom.

“You mean, like the cards?” said the girl.

Okay, so they have no idea. This will be interesting.

“Oh, I just meant how, you know, they say there’s no such thing as coincidence. Me being in the right place at the right time. That’s kind of like magic, I think.”

Good one, Bloom.That was one of her better saves, she decided.

“Oh, I like that,” said the girl.

“Good,” she said as she patted the girl on the shoulder. “Because I happen to think it’s true.” She winked at her. “Now, let’s get you guys out of here.”

As they walked together, Bloom started, “So, uh, my place is a little out of the ordinary, but I think you guys will like it. I’m sure it will like you.”

“Out of the ordinary?” said the girl with wonder in her voice.

“What do you mean, ‘you think it will like us?”

“Just a turn of phrase, you know,” she said. “It’s just down here across the main intersection.”

They walked along in silence for a few blocks.

As they did, she thought on what the woman had said.No police.She hadn’t said it like that, but the implication was clear. At the same time, though, she was only half fae, she still had some of the sight. These women were good. They had no negative intentions, though she did sense trouble. But it didn’t take a high priestess to tell that. She laughed to herself. No, she was doing the right thing.

For a moment, Dax came back into her mind as well.
