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“Look, man. We will find Frederick. He will pay for what he did.”

“I know, Dax. It just can’t come soon enough.”

I know,” he said, crossing the distance across the bullpen and clapping a hand on his shoulder.

“You’re goddamn right, we’ll get him,” said Jack, who had been across the way at his desk filling out some paperwork. “We’re gonna do it for all of them. Make this shit right.”

He came over and gave Rollo a fist bump.

“So, did you learn anything more about Marius from your visit to The Tree? And come on, there must be more that happened between you and Bloom?”

Dax shifted uncomfortably on his feet. “Yeah, there is something up with Marius. My dragon senses it.Isense it, but that’s about it for now. She did say that he has been acting differently since a trip out west a few weeks ago. I don’t know.” He hadn’t really felt the potential significance of that detail until now. “Anyhow, don’t you guys have cases to be working on? Aren’t there some shifter kids out somewhere who need some guidance, Jack? Go make yourselves useful.”

Enough on Bloom.

Just then as Rollo and Jack seemed to be getting the message, Dayton and Clint came into the office. By their clothes, it seemed they had come straight from their fishing trip.

“So, you patch things up with Bloom?” Dayton said without even bothering to say ‘Good morning’ first.

“Jeezus, what’s with you guys? Don’t you have your own lives to worry about?”

“Oh, come on, man. Inquiring minds want to know,” Clint added.

“Look, there is nothing to report. She thinks I am a heartless and clueless halfwit who bungled her father’s investigation, okay? So basically, situation is status quo. End of story. Okay?” He was surprised by how much of a nerve they had actually touched.

“Okay, then. Easy, boss,” Dayton said. “I just kind of thought you two were good together. My bad.”

“I wish you guys would stop saying that,” he added as he started to cross the room back to his desk. “It’s annoying.”

“Well, sorry for inquiring about your personal life,” Clint said, feigning hurt, while also apparently trying to defuse the minor tension that had come into the room. “Oh, what’s that? How was our trip? Oh, thanks for asking, boss! It was amazing! Dayton actually landed a Marlin.”

“Yeah, yeah, very funny. You can tell me about it later, okay?” Dax said with a little chuckle.

“Whatever you say, Chief,” Clint said.

Just then his desk phone rang.

He took his seat as he answered it.

After listening for a minute and uttering only a few words himself, he hung up.

“Okay, who wants to come with me to the hospital? Jack?”

“So, that wasn’t really a question?”

“Nope, let’s go,” Dax said.

“Lead the way. What’s up?”

“I’m not sure. Some guy was found a couple days ago, knocked out by the Library. Some witness had seen him trying to abduct some woman or something. It’s unclear what happened exactly, but seems he finally woke up.”

“Well, let’s go ask him,” Jack responded.

“After you, buddy.”

* * *

“Are you serious?”Dax said.
