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“Wouldn’t be the first time The Tree did that. And I am sure the room The Tree created for them with those crazy comfy beds doesn’t hurt either.”

“Or the hot fudge sundaes to welcome them. Yeah, Ash wasn’t born yesterday, that’s for sure,” Bloom added, laughing.

“I wasn’t so sure about your decision to bring them here at first, but I think you did the right thing. They seem about a million percent more relaxed at least.”

“I know. Chris was pretty shut down,” she said.

“Well, her daughter doesn’t seem to have that problem. Anyhow, ya done good, kiddo. Your father would be proud. But what are you gonna do with them? We’re not running a half-way house, you know?”

“I told them to just relax for now. I figured I would give them another day or two to get back on their feet. I’m not sure what they’ve been through, and so far they haven’t shared. If Ash is cool with them staying here them I am not going to worry about it.”

“Can’t argue with any of that logic. And I like that you put them to work. Probably keeps their minds off whatever they have been through.”

“They insisted, and I didn’t argue,” she said.

“Ah, I see. I still think you should tell your boyfriend about them, though.”

“Mack. Stop it.”

“What?” he said, putting his hands up innocently.

“You know exactly what. Don’t make me say it,” she said, exasperation dripping off her words.

“Say what?”

”He’s not my boyfriend! And we were barely together before. Maybe a few months tops.”

Across the bar, Wendy stopped mid stride and turned her head. Just as quickly, she resumed her trip on her way to serve one of the two tables that were full. It was Monday afternoon, which was to the restaurant business what the doldrums were to sailing. Totally dead.

“Dammit, Mack. Why do I always end up feeling about ten years old with you?”

“Oh, I‘m just playing, kiddo. I can’t help it.”

“I know. But there is nothing there with Dax. We had a nice time for a bit. But it was a mistake. Obviously his heart was never with me. It will always be about the pack for a shifter. And I wouldn’t have minded it. I know he wants to catch whoever killed his friend. And I want him to. I’m not a complete monster. But the fact that he just put me completely aside, as if what happened with my father was nothing… I thought he really cared. But I can’t argue with what I see.”

“I think you might be making some assumptions,” Wendy said as she walked past.

“God, can I get some privacy around here?”

“Um, you do know you basically live in a bar, right?” Wendy retorted.

“Point taken. And you know what? If you like him so much, you date him. I know what happened between us, okay?”

“I would, ya know, but he’s not inmyaura now, is he?”

Wendy just shook her head as she moved on to put her table’s order in the computer.

“I should fire her,” Bloom said, deadpan to Mack as he continued with his break.

“Then who would serve as your conscience around here?” Mack said.

She just laughed at that. That was what she loved about Mack, and that was the problem with him. He could see right through her. At times, he understood her better than she understood herself.

Like right now?

“Could we not talk about Dax, please?”

“Okay, but I think that’s going to be difficult,” Mack said matter-of-factly.
