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He does look good.


“Well, that’s not good,” Dax said, as he rolled the base of his beer on a coaster, listening to what the rest of the pack had picked up around town.

“Nope, not good at all,” agreed Rollo.

“Let’s go, then, come on. We’ve dealt with worse. Let’s stop this Supernova shit before it begins,” Jack said.

They were all talking in loud voices to be heard over the music coming from the main bar. The Grizzly Den served as their sort of unofficial hangout. It was kind of unclear when or how it had happened, but the back room was all theirs.

Duke, the owner, poked in his head in just then. “You boys all right?”

“Yeah, Duke. Thanks,” said Clint.

Then Dax, surveying the table, quickly added, “Another round would be great.”

They all respected Duke, he was a grizzled old bear shifter, tough as nails in his day. Still someone a shifter would think twice about tangling with.

He used to be part of the core pack back in his father’s day. Now he served as part of the old guard. And more importantly, he brewed a serious IPA beer the pack loved.

“’nother round comin’ right up,” he said with a smile and tip of his cowboy hat as he retreated from the room.

“So, word is out about this Supernova shit, huh?”

“That’s what it sounds like,” Dayton chimed in. “You know these fiends, always looking for the next score!”

“Yeah, but this is supposed to be different. I don’t know. ‘Mind blowing!’ they say,” Jack added.

“That’s what they always say,” Dax said, thinking. “But it is still just a trickle, right?”

“Yeah, just a handful. But Marius’s name came up every time, or at least they didn’t deny it. Seems he’s been dealing the shit. And supposedly he was bragging that The Tree was his territory,” Rollo added.

“I bet it comes from those fuckin’ vampires,” Jack said.

“Hey man, we don’t know that,” Dax said quickly. And then a little more soothingly, “It’s not always the vampires, brother.”

This elicited a grumbling assent from Jack as he downed the last of his beer.

That wound will never heal.Dax understood. They all carried their scars.

“So, look,” Dax said, now raising the authority in his voice, letting them all know what he was about to say was important.

More important. Everything I say is important, of course.He chuckled to himself. Did his dragon roll its eyes at him?

“I have been bouncing this around in my head. I finally got a hold of Marius and got him in for another interview,” he said.

“No shit. How’d you do that? I was sure he would be hiding behind his beloved Fae council connections,” Rollo said.

“Turns out my council connections hold more weight than his. Besides, one mention to Finch of a potential drug problem hitting Fae Crossing was all it took. I guess he made it clear to Marius that he would be hung out to dry if he didn’t cooperate. Marius actually calledme.”

“No shit,” Rollo repeated.

“You already said that, mate!” called Dayton. “You need to work on your vocabulary!”

“Fuck off, Dayton,” Rollo said.

“I hope you don’t talk like this around the boys,” Dayton said. The lines between jokes and fighting words could be razor thin with shifters, and the tension in the room suddenly shot up to a nine.
