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“Jeezus,” she said, as much out of confusion as out of surprise. None of this made sense. Mack was at her side now. This was escalating quickly. Had he been drinking before he arrived?

“Marius, I think it’s time you called it a night.”

“Called it an ite?” he said back to her, “I’m just gett’n’ started!”

“Marius, I’m serious, buddy, Time to go.”

“Hey, you can’t tell me to ‘eve, it’s my birfday!”

“Lucas!” she called. It was time for the heavy guns.

Looking around, no Lucas anywhere.

Where the hell is the bouncer when I need him?

“Now gimme a drink!” He pushed his way between two young fae, sending them toppling off their stools, as he leaned right over the bar reaching around to try and grab a bottle right out of the wall.


But she instantly realized she wouldn’t be needing Lucas. She felt the air crackle. The bar had had enough. Marius had pushed it too far. It seemed to confirm that creeping feeling she had on the back of her neck as well.

“Oh boy. I told you, Marius,” she said, holding her hands up in sort of apologetic shrug. “Now you’ve pissed off Ash.”

The lights flickered and she could feel the electricity in the air building even more.

“Oh, come on, wait,” he said, suddenly struggling to get control of himself. “Uh, I’m sorry, uh, Mr. Tree bar, or, um. Ash. I’m going. I promise. I didn’t know…” He started to back away from the bar, but it was too late.

The entire room shimmered, and then flashed, and thenpoof,Marius was gone. No loud crash, no boom, just poof. The sound of the door swinging shut echoed in the room.

After a beat, the crowd resumed its happy hum.

What the hell was that?She looked at Mack. “Is it me or was that pretty weird? I mean, Marius.”

“Yeah, I don’t know. But I’ve seen stranger. The Tree handled it.” Mack shrugged as he went back to work. She almost felt bad, but really was more confused. At the same time it had been handled. She had enough to worry about without adding anything to the list. She bent over and kissed the bar. It didn’t take any shit, that was for sure. “You’re the best.”

Just then Lucas finally appeared,” You call me?”

“Don’t worry about it,” she smiled. “It’s all sorted.”


Dax almost ran his car right into the man. He’d literally just appeared laying in a heap by the side of the road. If he had passed a minute sooner, he wouldn’t have been there, and a minute later, he would have just assumed he had been laying there all along, if he had even noticed him at all. Though this wasn’t the first time he’d seen the tail end of someone getting teleported – he assumed via fae magic – it was the first time they had appeared almost right in front of him on the road while he was driving. He thought he had a good idea just where he had been ported from too.

Dax, let it go.Shehad nothing to do with this. Right?

Focusing back on the crumpled heap, it was pretty obvious it hadn’t been a voluntary trip… though he couldn’t actually be sure. Dax shook his head. This was a weird town, and as the top law man, he had seen it all.

For a brief second, he considered just driving on, but immediately dismissed it. It had been a long day and he was exhausted. Still, he had to check it out, of course. But God, there were times he definitely got sick of dealing with the fae and their high borne airs. But still, he believed in the mission he had taken on. They could all co-exist. That was what his father had told him.

At least until everything went to shit.

He pulled over to see what the story was. As he got closer to the guy, all he could tell was that he looked to be a pretty sizable fella. He also didn’t seem to have any pants on.Wonderful.So, do we have a nut job here?Or maybe that had happened in transit. He chuckled to himself.The mystery grows deeper.

Dax called out, “Hey buddy, you alright? What happened here?” Even though he was keeping his distance, he could feel his dragon at the ready. It paced as it took in the situation.

He heard a grumble from the heap of a man.Good, at least he’s not dead.He walked a little bit closer, “Are you okay, sir? Looks like you got ‘ported. I’m kind of assuming this wasn’t your doing.” Now he definitely had his suspicions of just whose doing it was, though. “Can you tell me where you just came from?”

The man rolled over onto his back with a groan.Ohhh.
