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Without a moment’s hesitation, Dax rolled off the bed and picked up a handset connected to the radio on the side table.

“She’s doing just fine, buddy,”

“Good to hear. So how about we circle up at the Four Corners?”

“Roger that. Four Corners. I need about twenty minutes.”

“Copy that, boss. The witches are already doing some whammies.”

“Perfect,” he said into the radio before signing off. Then to her, “Hey, you want some coffee or that shower? You don’t have to come back right away if you don’t want to. You could stay here?”

She was trying to just enjoy the moment…”Coffee would be good, and of course I am coming with.”

She sighed and rolled over in the cushy comfort of her man’s bed.

My Dragon’s bed. Or is it a nest?

She felt so relaxed, although it would have been nice if they could have just stayed in bed for a while longer. Like all day. Also it would have been nice if he had said the words back to her.

Don’t be silly, Bloom. He has responsibilities. He just got interrupted.

And he did “claim” me.

That has got to be good for something.


Rollo finally came walking into the Tribunal at around eleven that morning, which was fine with Dax. He had earned the right to come in a little late.

“About time you showed up!” Clint called to him as he sauntered in.

“He has my blessing,” Dax called. “Come to think of it,” he said, this time directing his speech toward the new arrival, “I thought I told you to take the day off entirely. After the last three days going full out, I assumed you might need some face time with the boys.”

“Ah, you know me, boss, I can’t stay away for long. But I didn’t mind sleeping in, that’s for sure. Made some pancakes for them too. I’m just glad things seem to be calming down and nothing came of that talk of, what was it called again?”

“Supernova!” called Clint.

“Right. Anyhow, man, what a shit show. Never knew humans could be such a pain in the ass.”

“The drug dealing variety sure can be. And let’s check each other for short term memories okay? I’m always a little nervous around the witches when they start doing that “Bye bye butterfly” shit,” Dax said, rubbing his temples.

“I know, but they got the job done. Could you imagine the mess we’d have if they couldn’t just wipe memories?”

“Oh, I don’t know. Humans are pretty good at not believing anything that pushes them out of their comfort zone. No one would have listened to them anyhow.”

“Maybe not, but come on. Tell me it’s not easier to just have the witches zoink them than deal with all the rumors and stories. At the very least Fae Crossing would be overrun by, what do they call them again?”

“Crypto-zoologists,” Clint called over.

“Yeah, that,” said Rollo. “Freaky or not, I’m glad we have the witches on our side.”

“Well, the Fae have some magic that does the trick too.”

“Either way, I’m not complaining.”

“And all we have to do is look pretty and be the muscle,” Dayton chimed in from around the corner.

“That rings strangely true,” Dax said.
