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“Finch? What do you think he wants with you?”

“No idea. Call you later.”

“Later, babe.” Dax ended the call as she answered the incoming one from Finch, the head of the Fae Council.

“And how can I help the Council today?”

“Bloom, I hope I am not interrupting you on a busy day.”

She was actually rather surprised at getting the call, but played it off as casually as she could.

“No, not at all. I’m not used to getting calls from Fae Crossing Luminaries. How can I serve the council’s needs?”

She tried to sound calm, but her heart was beating with some excitement. Perhaps she really was gaining acceptance in the community.


“Oh, you flatter me,” Finch said, though he was obviously charmed by her words. “No need to be so formal. But therehasbeen an incident. I wonder if I can count on your discretion on this, but also your, how shall we say, your influence perhaps.”

“My influence?”

“Yes, with Dax.”

Now he had her attention.

“There has been an incident at Mackenzie’s. My people are already alerting the Tribunal. I just want to be sure the fae perspective is understood and upheld.”

“McKenzie’s? As in the supermarket?” She didn’t hide her surprise at hearing there was an issue in what was widely considered the “posh” part of Fae Crossing. “What happened? And what do you mean, the fae perspective?”

“Yes, the supermarket. Just get over there, okay? And you know, nothing against Dax, but his type can lack a certain finesse at times,” Finch said.


“Shifters have their own way of handling things for sure, but Dax has always been fair in my experience. Unless I am mistaken, you and the council have always backed the Fae Crossing Pack in running the Tribunal?”

“Yes, of course, but no one is perfect, and that support has not been without its hiccups. I am sure you are aware of his father’s attitude toward the fae.”


But before she could fixate on that, he was already continuing on. “The Meadows, as you well know, is full of a very particular sort. They are not always as understanding of shifter ways as you or I. Okay, so I am just hoping you can be there to ensure things go smoothly.”

“Of course, Council-, Finch, I understand.”

Finch was referring to the fancy fae district. She was getting the idea.

“I am glad you understand my concerns.”

“Of course, it’s important that our town runs smoothly.”

“Also, I think you know the man involved. Dewey?”

Now he really had her attention. He was a regular. Sweet guy. She instantly thought of their many conversations, mostly around his many gardening tips. “Dewey? What happened?”

“It is still unclear. I just want it handled with discretion. I know Dax is honorable. I just, well, I just thought as a fae, your input could be helpful. Perhaps I shouldn’t have called, but your help on this will not go unnoticed. Many of us have been less than pleased by the slow progress in your father’s case. The Tribunal, I am sure, has many other cases to handle. Perhaps it has already been relegated to the cold case files. I am sure a few phone calls to the Regional Tribunal would be helpful. What happened to him was a tragedy. He is sorely missed.”

Another jolt went through her.

“Of course,” she replied, really not knowing what else to say.
