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“Ah, we’ve been expecting you,” called Etta, as she turned from her task of arranging some gemstones in a display case off to one side of the main room.

“Hi Bloom,” called Tam, as she came over and gave her a quick hug as well.

“We are just putting the final touches on our little forced makeover,” Etta said, as she turned to take in Chris and Kim.

“Oh hi, Chris, Kim,” Tam said. “So you finally made it over! So good to see you again.”

“So, we finally meet, ladies. I’ve heard so much about you both!” Etta gushed warmly.

Just then she could hear the trample of feet coming down the stairs in the back. In a moment, Lora came trotting out of the fairy room. Then after a moment, slower moving along with her cane, Nan joined them as well.

“Welcome, welcome!”

“This is Chris and her daughter Kim.”

“A pleasure to make your acquaintance, ladies,” said Lora, as she circled around the ladies in an appraising manner.

“Your shop is so cool,” Kim gushed.

“Thank you, child,” Nan quipped.

“Are you blind?” Kim asked, seemingly totally unaware of any breach of etiquette.

“Kim!” Chris cried, apparently mortified.

But Nan only cackled. “Not yet! But it’s true my eyes aren’t what they used to be. Thankfully, it’s not only with our eyes that we see, child.”

Kim knit her eyebrows for an instant before turning her attention back to the shop. “It’s so hippie, and trippy, and like, I don’t know. It’s just so cool.”

“We prefer pagan,” Etta said. “But I think we will get along just fine.”

“It’s cool,” repeated Kim as she walked around, taking in the various statuettes, books, and trinkets.

“We had not foreseen meeting the ladies so soon,” Etta said.

“They just told us a few other things I thought you should hear for yourselves,” Bloom replied. Then to Chris, she said quickly, “They work with Dax sometimes, to protect the town.”

Kim once again screwed up her eyebrow curiously but didn’t say anything.

Bloom had begun to see why the witches were interested in these women, or she thought she saw what they saw.

Just then her phone buzzed in her pocket, interrupting her thoughts.

Finch. Again?

But he was not someone she could ignore, or even wanted to, not for long at least.

“Excuse me a moment, ladies,” she said as she stepped out onto the street.

“Hello, Councilman..”

“Didn’t I tell you to please call me Finch?”

“Yes, of course,” she said.

“I do hope I am not bothering you. Is this a good time? I just wanted to check in for a quick minute.”

“Of course, what can I do for you?”
