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Dax and Etta exchanged glances.

“The Herald? And what exactly is that going to accomplish?” Dax asked as he gently took her arm. He held her by each shoulder as he looked into her eyes. “I know Dewey had a special place in your heart…but this whole thing is bigger than just your friendship. Think it through, Bloom.”

She felt frustration and anger flush her face.

“I don’t want to think it through, we need to do something!”

With a look and shake of her head, Etta quieted Dax before he could reply. “What your less-than-eloquent shifter friend here means to say is that we want to stop this, but we need to do it right.”

“Right, what she said, and what is Rocky going to do anyhow?”

“He could put out a headline, warning the whole town. “Supernova drug kills, not just a good time,” or something.

“Catchy,” Etta quipped.

“Oh great, and spook them and make them just crawl back underground? Bloom, we need to catch these guys and destroy the problem at the root,” Dax was saying. “You have to trust me on this.”

“But we have already tried,” she said. “I just want it to stop. If the people of Fae Crossing just know the truth about this stuff, it will die on the vine.”

“Kill it at the root, die on the vine, your friend Dewey the gardener would approve of your analogies,” Etta said, trying to bring some levity to the conversation.

“Hello, Bloom? Bloom!” she heard faintly coming over the phone.

Oh shoot!

She looked down and realized she had completely forgotten about the call she had placed.

“Rocky? Hey sorry, I’ll call you back? Or I won’t. Sorry, maybe I shouldn’t have called.”

What the hell am I doing?

“I’ve got to go,” she said as she ended the call before Rocky could even respond.

“Bloom, think it through. We still have a chance to catch these guys. If it is true that they are desperate to unload this stuff, then we can use that to our advantage. Maybe they will slip up.”

On the one hand, she knew he was right. This was what he did after all. But at the same time, she was getting tired of cloak and dagger sting operations. She just wanted her town to be safe again.

“We’ll handle this, okay? Let me talk to the pack. Maybe we can set up a sting and finally get this problem eliminated, and get this product off the streets before it can hurt anyone else. Why don’t you go back to The Tree and get some rest? Trust me, I want this handled as badly as you do.”

But did he?

Finch’s works echoed in her head. What he had said about Dax’s father was a little disturbing.

As her mind spiraled the fear in her heart only intensified.

“Just don’t take too long this time, I can handle the three years I’ve waited for my father’s justice. Another day or another year won’t hurthim. But this town is still alive, Dax. These are real, living people that you are charged to protect.”

The words were out of her mouth before she could stop them. But she was just so tired of holding it all inside. Her father, her mother before that, and now maybe even The Tree and the town. It was all she had left, and she couldn’t bear the thought of losing it.

“We will handle this drug, Bloom, and we will bring you what closure we can where your father is concerned. You have my word on it. Just let me handle it.” With that he turned back to Etta as she made her way out of the Tribunal.

Can you really trust him, Bloom?

She would try.

* * *

She headed back hometo The Tree. So much had happened she just needed to rest and clear her head.
