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He couldn’t have been clearer. Why couldn’t she just let them handle it?Obviously she doesn’t listen to a word I say. Or she doesn’t trust that we can handle it.

Neither answer made him feel any better.

Fine. I don’t know why I even tried.

His dragon thrashed about.


The pull, that desire. He asserted himself again.

No. What mate would completely defy him? He tried to clear his mind. Rollo was still looking at him, waiting for an answer.

“What can I do? It’s back to square one. Dayton and Clint should be here soon.”

Well, it had been nice while it lasted, but it was pretty obvious now he had been wrong. No mate would undermine her partner like this.

His dragon thrashed about.

Why couldn’t you just take the hint the first time, Dax?

More to the point, why did you ever think it was a good idea to get involved with a family member involved in an open case.

Just not smart.

What a clusterfuck.

This was what he got for thinking he could be the white knight.

That line of thought brought all the business with Frederick right up front in his mind.

Not what I need to worry about right now.

Now his thoughts were racing and his emotions were totally out of control.

Before he could plot his next move, he had to burn off the fire running through his veins.

He raced to the back of the house, and within a minute, he had shifted and was airborne, his dragon cutting through the sky.


Bloom pushed the soft down duvet aside as she swung her legs over the lip of the bed.


That was her single-minded focus at the moment.

Then I better call Dax to give him a heads up.

But a night’s sleep had cleared her head a bit and she was no longer so worried.

Still. Must. Have. Coffee.

Sometimes she wished she hadn’t instructed Ash to not provide her with coffee in bed. That was a no brainer for a spirit that enchanted a tree. But she knew it was only the desire for coffee that would make her actually get her butt moving every morning. She could have all the coffee she wanted once she got downstairs.

After washing up a bit, she headed down to the bar section of The Tree.

Mack was already in early, going through a new shipment of glassware.
