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She nodded. “I was raised by shifters, basically.” She didn’t elaborate, and he didn’t ask.

“Well, you know we have our own sort of police, right? It’s more than that, but anyhow my pack is in charge of protecting Fae Crossing, and really far beyond it. But lately the town itself has given us plenty to deal with. So yeah, this is personal, but it’s also bigger than me.”

He paused and looked up into her eyes. Was that understanding he saw? Maybe a hint of softening? “Look, I just need your help with the boys for the next few days, or until I can get someone else. There is just too much going on.” This was just how it had to be. He lined up the cereal bowls and poured out Life cereal into each in succession.

He turned to look at her. She seemed to be thinking as she looked up to the left and scratched at her hip. “Pay me twice what you paid me yesterday, give me back my phone, and if I am going to stay another day, I am definitely going to need my comfy bra, and some fresh underwear. I need to tell my friends I’m alright too. They will call the police, you know? The human police. Or maybe even the shifter police for that matter. If they haven’t already. And no more locked doors if I stay…if anyone is locking it, it will be me from the inside.” She looked at him challengingly.

He felt a bit of a rise. She definitely had spirit.

Stop it, Rollo.

“Ha. As if I would want to get in,” he laughed. “Lock stays, I will pay you half again as a rate…one hundred fifty percent, and if you mean Julie, don’t worry about it, I already texted her back. By the way, she wasn’t that worried.” He was sort of enjoying this.

She looked like she was going to launch into another tirade when his phone buzzed.

“You texted her back? How dare—” she began. But he instantly raised a hand to silence her as he answered the phone, walking into the next room. It was Dax.

“Hey man. Look, so we got some intel. It is nothing totally solid but we have reason to suspect Frederick may be looking for you. Specifically,” he said, getting right to the point.

“Tell me something I don’t know,” he sighed.

“No, I mean, we found a note.” He read it for him. “‘I’m coming for the four little pigs…and their daddy’. He wanted us to find it. It was posted to a tree near the service station.”

He felt his muscles tense and his senses were instantly on alert.

“Fuck. Look. I am trying to get things sorted with this nanny, I have to run out for a minute. Can you send someone over here? I will feel a lot better with the kids behind the walls of my compound at the moment. But I have to run out. It’s a long story.” He was not looking forward to an argument about the wisdom of leaving the kids at a time like this to get a fucking comfy bra.

But Dax didn’t argue. He had his own problems it seemed. “Fine, yeah. I will send Clint over. Shouldn’t be a problem. But look, do what you have to get things sorted. We need all the help we can get to protect the boys.”

“Copy that. Hey, how’s Jack?” he added.

“Good, good. I mean, it was bad, but he’s a tough bastard. The witches say he will pull through okay.” That was a relief.

“Alright, man. Stay in touch. We got guys out looking for him.” Dax said in parting.

“Okay, chief.” He hung up.

He putthe phone away and took a moment to think. Shit, things were spiraling. It would be a lot easier if he didn’t have to fight this woman on everything.

Maybe fighting is not what you should be doing.

He tried again, with less success to push his mounting desire for her down. He’d had enough of his ‘complex emotions’ for the day.

His phone buzzed again and he took a quick look. It was Clint. Short and sweet.

Be right there.

Before he hada chance to tell Winona, she was already on him. “I demand you give me back my phone this instant..” she started.

“Not gonna happen. Get ready, one of the boys is on the way to watch the kids for a bit. If we’re gonna do this it has to be now. We’re going to go get some of your things, okay?”

“You can’t just keep telling me what to do…”

He almost snapped as he approached her. “Look, Winona, I have explained every way I can. This is how it’s got to be.” He could feel heat rising between them. She took a breath as she stepped back from him, but only a half step. He imagined she could feel the heat as well. “You know, Iactuallylike you. In fact, I would still like to offer you the job, if you can get over the shifter thing. But right now, I need you to kind of stop talking and just do what I tell you.”

She raised her arms to give him a push, but her hands clung on his chest for a moment. “Still offer me the job?” She let out a scoffing laugh. “You must be high! God, you are impossible. You shifters are impossible!” But her hands lingered and he felt a surge rush through his body as he felt all his senses heighten. He was almost overcome with the desire to push her up against the wall right then and there and kiss her deep on the mouth. To run his hands over her tight little body, first her soft breasts, her belly…and below. But instead, he pushed the urge away. He knew no good would come of it, definitely not now. Definitely not like this. Besides, the kids.

“Look, the threat level has increased. The kids are in danger. They need you to stay.” But even as he said it, he had turned away as he sought to get a hold on his wolf, on his own desire.Right. This is about capturing, or hopefully killing Frederick, plain and simple.“I need you to stay. There is no discussion. We are going to your place to get your things. This would be a lot easier if you would just get with the program. I know things aren’t ideal, but I mean, isn’t it obvious yet? I mean you no harm.”
