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She heard Rollo call out, “Okay in there?”

“Fine, just fine. Packing. Will be out in a few minutes.” Then to herself, she added, “Geez, almost forgot my shoes!” She crouched down by the bed and reached under to grab the shallow container she kept all her shoes in. She grabbed her favorite everyday flats. And her favorite heels.Winona, you don’t need those.She shushed her inner mom.

I might need them.She told herself she could brain him with one if it came to that.Um hmm. Sure.

She opened the drawers one more time and grabbed a few more essentials.Just in case.She looked around trying to see if she was forgetting anything, but seeing nothing of importance at first glance.

She was about to leave her bedroom behind, when she got a sudden urge and pulled a notebook-sized painting off the wall. Her grandmother had painted it.I think I need you with me, Grams.

Her grandmother had been her inspiration for as long as she could remember. She remembered wanting to be adopted by her instead of by her aunt and uncle, but that was not practical. Still, they had shared a special bond, and she spent weekends with her whenever she could. No one had understood her like her grandmother. It was her Grams that bought her first paint set, and it was her Grams who had first taught her how to pour her heart into her work as they sat and painted together.

When Winona was finally old enough to take care of herself, her Grams was already gone, but she still felt more connected to her than to anyone else in the family apart from her parents. And she still felt close to her, most of all when she was painting.

Like her Grams’, her heart was in the stroke of a paintbrush, and the act of painting brought her closer to her. Gave her peace. Grounded her.

Finally, she stepped out into the living room dragging the suitcase behind her.

Rollo looked at her impatiently as he pulled his gaze from the window.

“Okay, cool, let’s go.” As he spotted her little cargo, he added, “What’s with the painting?”

“Uh. It’s grandmother’s work. It’s what I have left of her. It gives me strength, okay? This is a non-negotiable.”

Rollo raised his eyebrows at that. “Fine, no problem, not gonna fight you over a painting.”

“It’s a miracle. Apparently, you are not the monster I thought you were.” This time, it was her turn to flash him a wink.

“Touché. Okay, let’s get out of here.”

“Lead the way, boss,” she said as he checked the window for a moment before sticking his head out the door. After a moment, he headed out as she fell in step behind him.

“Did you just call me boss? I didn’t think…,” he started as they began to take the turn and head down the first flight of stairs.

Rollo stopped speaking mid-sentence and began to looking around as he walked. He held his hand out to block her when she tried to overtake him, holding his finger to his lips. All of her senses were on high alert.What the hell is going on?

Suddenly, as they turned the corner, they were standing face to face with a tall imposing beast of a man. At least she thought he was a man. And saying face to face would have been generous, for this man. He only had half a face really, the other half a ruined mess.

Her breath held in her lungs, and she imagined even her heart had stopped.

Rollo pulled her behind him immediately. She could feel the tension radiating from his body. He was a coiled spring about to explode.

If we live that long.



The guy was standing right in front of him.

Every molecule in his body wanted to shift and rip him to pieces. And yet, he could feel Winona behind him. This was not the time for a fight. He had to play this game.

Frederick smiled at him.

“Aw, how cute. So, you got yourself a new lady? I love it. I love how replaceable people are. It does my heart good to see how very little we all mean to each other in the end. She is a cute one, at least. I’m so glad to see you’re holding up well, Rollo. It’s a shame it wasn’t you that got obliterated at the garage, you know. It was my deepest hope.”

Rollo bristled.Let him think he took Jack out.“Why are you here, Frederick? Don’t you have a rock to scurry under? Haven’t you done enough for this week?”

“Oh, Rollo, you are just so damn predictable.” Frederick put his hands out to either side. “Here I am, in all my glory, why don’t we just settle this here and now?”
