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After the call went dead, Rollo and Dax stared at each other a split second longer.

“That son of a bitch has her, Dax!” He started running to his truck and found Dax beside him, talking into his phone, making the call for the whole pack to meet at the Mission Estates.

Dax shoved him to the passenger side while he himself climbed into the driver’s seat. “No offense, man. You’re in no state. We both know where it is and we don’t want to die on the way there, right?”

“Dammit, I should have known. A feeling has been building,” Rollo grabbed his own chest. “I feel it here! My wolf is on fire, dammit.”

Dax sped up, making more phone calls as they drove.

* * *

By the timethey hit the junction nearest the location of the apartment complex, they had a plan. It hadn’t taken much to figure out which unit belonged to her friend Julie. Dax had recognized that there was no way Rollo was not going in first. He had dibs on handling Frederick and his feelings for his nanny had been made clear. Lora and Bloom had somehow arrived before them and seemed to be casting spells already, probably in an attempt to counter whatever magic Frederick could wield. But there was no telling how powerful he was.

Dax hopped out of Rollo’s truck and Rollo drove on alone. He pulled into a far part of the parking lot. After circling the building once, he passed Bloom and Lora on his way in.

“Rollo, please. If he is responsible for my father’s death, I have to know.”

Dax was close behind him and responded for him, “We will do what has to be done. Hopefully, we will get some answers for you too, babe.”

He just nodded at her wordlessly as he passed and then made his way up the stairs. Dax went right behind him as they moved soundlessly toward the third-floor apartment.

He set his jaw as he gathered his spirit for whatever he was going to find inside. He opened the door slowly, calling “Winona?” as he did. “Julie?” Dax would follow close behind.

The apartment was eerily quiet. It was full dark now, and the lights had not been turned on. He looked into the living room, and into the kitchen. No lights, no one. He called again, “Winona?” He didn’t like it one bit.

He noticed a light flicker on in front of him, and then another. As soon as he entered, he saw the stairs.Ah, a duplex.He hadn’t bargained on that, but adapted quickly. For a moment, he froze and listened.

His wolf was practically ripping him apart in his effort to force a shift.

Not yet. He needed to assess the situation. And if he could get answers for Bloom he would.

But if he had to, he would let his wolf out.

Just a little while more.

He heard a creak of the floorboards.Upstairs.He went up the stairs, silently, listening with his wolf’s ears for the tiniest sound that would direct him to his woman.Mate.Fine, he knew it now. He realized he had known all along. His mate. His wolf seemed oddly satisfied at his admission, despite the danger that he was now in.

As he reached the top of the stairs, he saw that there was an archway off to the right. He could feel a breeze coming through and crept toward it. By now, his wolf eyes had fully adapted to the night. He had not gone too far toward the archway when he heard a cackle from around the corner.

“Welcome, Rollo! Come on down! You’re the next contestant onI Have Your Pretty Girlfriend!”

Rollo found himself in the archway looking into the room. Winona and her friend Julie were huddled beside one another on the sofa, facing away from him toward the balcony. He could smell fear, but he could also smell resolve.Strength. There can be no bravery without fear, he thought proudly.How could I have not seen her for what she is to me?Mate!He chastised himself inwardly again. Time enough for that later. Rollo flicked his eyes up to Frederick, noting how obviously insane he was, and felt himself slowly filling with a white hot rage.

This man killed my brother. He betrayed the pack. He left these boys fatherless. He’s terrifying my family. He has to die, and now. This must end. Magic or not, this ends with me.

Rollo was just barely hanging on to his own sanity. He could feel the bloodlust coming over him. His wolf was straining to break free.Patience.Wait for the right moment.

“What’s my prize, Freddy boy? What have I won?” He would try to humor him and play his game. Until he saw an opening.

Frederick smiled at him, broadly, familiarly. “Oh, Rolloboy,the prize of a lifetime! A short lifetime, but still. Here we are, face to face, like I’ve dreamed of so many damn times. Bonus points that your woman is here, of course, and her little friend,” he added, gesturing toward Julie who looked back at him over her shoulder. She looked absolutely terrified. “I’m so happy you made it. And by the way, don’t worry, I’ll get to your kids, and his too, once we’re done here. Wouldn’t want to leave anyone out.” He gave Rollo a wink.A wink!

Bloodlust surged through him again.

Rollo took a step into the room, a step closer to Winona.

“Don’t come in any further, Rollo, or I’ll start with the friend,” he said, gesturing to Julie.

Would he use some dark magic, or just try to grab them and snap their necks? Or would he shift? He had no idea but was prepared for anything. One thing was becoming more apparent than ever. Frederick was a talker, and boy, he had a lot to say.Good.He seemed very confident.Arrogant.Also good. Arrogance led to mistakes.
