Page 14 of His Retribution

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“Fine,” the driver says, punching the steering wheel. “If we untie you and help you, then you agree neither you nor Christian will kill us. We get to walk free?”

“I agree,” I answer.

He nods in the mirror for the other guy to untie me. “Where to then, and what is the plan?”

“Do you know where the rendezvous point is?” I ask.

“Yes, it’s under the bridge on the way back into town.” Mr Left answers.

“Perfect, then that is where we are headed, boys, but first we need to commandeer us a faster car. Are there any at the house?”

“Now, you’re talking,” the driver laughs with a smile. He flips the car around and heads back in the direction we just came from.

We are going to make an entrance, just the way I like. “One more thing, boys, I need an outfit. Are there any extra clothes lying around the house?”

How would I know later this evening I would come face to face with one of my personal enemies? Someone who used to call themselves a friend until the day we suddenly weren’t. Not only would we be face to face, but I would be wearing her clothes and she would be standing next to my man. Fates a bitch like that, isn’t she?

Withafreshchangeof clothes, loaded up on guns, knives, and ammo galore, we pile into a flashy car. One Le Manchot will never expect to see. I plan to make an entrance that won’t disappoint. Dusk is upon us as my new found partners in crime guide us towards the bridge. We are going to cut it close on time. Night is falling quickly around us as we speed into the shadows beneath the city. If I know Christian, he is already there and waiting for Le Manchot to arrive.

As we pull onto the final stretch of road between us and the underpass beneath the bridge, gunshots ring out. I gasp, clutching the gun handle tightly. All I can think about is Christian and the trap Le Manchot has laid for him. The driver floors it, aiming the car right into the center of the shootout. From the window I spot Christian. My heart skips a beat. He’s still alive, and I am filled with relief. Until I see the girl standing next to him. My heart drops instantly. How could he? He would never. I argue on and on with myself in turmoil as I watch what happens next in slow motion. Le Manchot is talking. Christian shrugs his shoulders and then I see him shoot the look alike. The girl’s body slumps over, lifeless, just as we skid to a stop.

My first shot is at Le Manchot and it connects. He drops to the ground as I emerge from the car. I’m not done yet. I spin on Christian and aim at him, but his face has no emotion and I hesitate. “How could you!” I shout instead.

I don’t have time to wait for his reply. I’m yanked back inside the car just as gunfire erupts again. Le Manchot has pulled himself upright and is rapid firing at Christian and his men.




His clip is empty. He jumps to his feet, hobbling away to a car to make an escape. “He’s all yours, boys,” I say, hopping out of the car again. They give chase, and I stomp towards Christian. Behind me, Le Manchot’s men scramble to escape with him. The Peacocks stand dumbfounded as Selena walks forward to address them. I couldn’t care less my hand raises to connect with Christian’s face but he catches me by the wrist.

“Shhhhhh, listen,” is all the bastard has to say to me with a smolder as his finger presses softly against my lips.

God damn him. There is nothing this girl can say to change my mind about how angry I am.

“You have all been taken advantage of, tricked by Le Manchot. He led you astray, away from your master, with his whispered lies and promises. I will accept you back into the folds of the Peacocks if you renounce Le Manchot as your leader and declare your allegiance to me, to the rightful head of the organization.” She offers her ultimatum confidently.

One by one, men step forward to kneel before her, fists over their hearts, heads hung in solitude. A few back away, hoping to be unnoticed in an attempt to get away. The five men who flank her are likely her personal guards. They are fast, as they fire at the men, taking out the traitors. My arm drops as Christian pulls me into him. Wrapping me in his embrace. He kisses my head over and over, “Mon bijou,my jewel.Mon trésor, my treasure.Mon l’amour de ma vie,love of my life.I knew it wasn’t you. Clay told me hours ago it wasn’t you.”

I melt into him. I knew he would never let anything like that happen to me. Le Manchot managed to get in my head even when I thought I had the upper hand. I’m angry all over again, fuming mad at Le Manchot for wrecking this moment with Christian. It’s not how I imagined it would happen and he hasn’t even tried to kiss me yet. I won’t kiss him first, no matter how badly I want to feel his lips on mine. He let me watch my own death, staring on in horror, as he didn’t so much as flinch. He showed up here with her. A girl I consider to be a frenemy. He can show me how much I mean to him and how sorry he is for letting them escape that house with me to begin with.

He pulls me closer to him as he gently pulls his hands around my hips. I don’t resist. I long to be beneath him while he showers my body in steamy kisses. He drops his head against my shoulder and I can almost feel the stress roll off of him dissipating around us. His lips nuzzle against my air, while his breath falls warmly, tickling my skin, sending goosebumps down my back. One hand lifts to cradle my face.

“Mon amour,my love,say something. Can you ever forgive me?“ His voice is deep and husky in my ear. A finger traces down my jaw and underneath my chin. He pulls away slightly, lifting my face to meet his own. His lips crash down hard with a force against mine. He is ruthless, unapologetic, possessive, as his mouth dominates me. Christian’s hungry lips devour mine in a way that claims them as his own. His grip tightens around my neck as he deepens our kiss. I invite him in eagerly, desperate to feel his tongue dancing against mine. While he kisses me, I breathe in deeply, eager to absorb his scent. I want to memorize everything about him, everything about this moment. The fingers of his other hand dig into my hip. We are so wrapped up in our moment, neither one of us hears anyone approach until they tap him on the shoulder. He pulls away slowly, as if it pains him to do so. His lips pull back in a viscous snarl as Christian turns to attack whoever interrupted us.

Chapter 9

L'amour De Ma Vie


Iturnmyheadand see Clay facing me. He’s nervous. He knows better than to ever interrupt me. My snarl softens as I smooth down my jacket. Clay pulls me in for a handshake then whispers in my ear, “Take as long as you need, boss, we’ve got your back.”

I glance around to where Quinn and I stand on the city side of the underpass. Below us, bullet casings litter the ground, evidence of the battle won. Around us our men stand, backs turned, shoulder to shoulder in a protective circle surrounding us. A strange wave of energy fills my body for a moment. I turn to thank him, but he’s already rejoined the others. Behind me, Quinn stands waiting for me with a dubious smile plastered on her lips. I return to her, pulling her against me once more, right where she belongs. “Mon bijou,my jewel,I am so sorry I didn’t make it to you first.“ I growl against her neck in between soft kisses.

Quinn’s hand reaches up to rest against my cheek. Her fingers trailing lightly down my jaw until two come to rest against my lips. I kiss her fingers as she whispers in my ear, “I’m sure you’ll find a way to make it up to me, Mon Roi.”

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