Page 4 of His Retribution

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I stop and stiffen. Christian urges me forward, but the steps are hard to take.

“Coward,” the voice calls this time.

That’s it. I’m off. I’m spinning to face my accuser. Before I know it, my feet are carrying me towards the shadows. Christian tries to grab my arm, but I avoid his reach. I’m going to cut this bitch’s tongue out, then ask her why she doesn’t have anything else to say. In the shadows, I don’t need light to grab this girl by her hair. I yank it hard, thrusting her throat into a vulnerable position. “This is my club. I come and go as I please. Do you have a problem with that?”

My voice is steeped in ice, and my coffin nail digs into her jugular. She struggles against me for a minute before they pounce on her. The men hold her back, restraining her. I smirk, turning my eyes on hers. She squirms uncomfortably against their hold. My victory clearly seems to have angered her. “Boy’s take out the trash,” I say, blowing a kiss.

When I look at Christian, his jaw is slammed to the ground, his eyes hooded with desire, as his tongue traces a line along his bottom lip. I reach my thumb out, pulling slightly at the corner of his mouth. “Careful, you’re drooling.”

His arms are around me lightning fast as he growls in my ear, low and raspy, “Now. I need you now.”

“I guess we should opt for the elevator instead,” I tease in a sultry smooth tone, pulling him towards it. The attendant sees us coming and swipes his card. Perfect timing, just as we approach the doors open. Christian doesn’t even wait until the doors close behind us. He already has me slammed against the wall. His starving lips devour mine in a frenzy. He’s teetering on the edge of losing control, and I can’t help but wonder how much closer I can push him. I reach for him, but he pulls away.

“Too slow,” he whispers against my ear. His breath is hot on my neck, sending goosebumps down my arms. Before I can reply, the elevator dings and the doors slide open. Christian flashes me a mischievous grin, then escorts me to the valet where the car should be waiting for us.

Thecarisnowherein sight. Christian nods to one of our guys and he takes off towards the valet to figure out what the holdup is. I shiver in the cool night air. Christian notices immediately. Without missing a beat, he’s shoving me against the brick exterior of the building. His lips are at my throat as his hands roam my body. “I will keep you warm, mon bijou,” he rasps.

I don’t doubt his intentions one bit. I should be worried about someone watching us, but we both enjoy an audience. Instead, I pull him closer, forcing his lips to mine. Christian’s kisses are deep. His tongue strokes against mine with a purpose. I feel his hands grab my thighs, lifting them to wrap around his muscular body. His cock is rock hard, and I am not opposed to fucking him right here in the alley. I run the palms of my hands down his chest, loving the feel of his hard muscles against them. When I reach his belt, my fingers struggle with the buckle and he stops me. “Not here, mon amour. I just needed to feel you against me,” he teases, allowing his warm breath to tickle my ear.

I curse under my breath. I am going to have to step my game up. It seems we are in a stalemate as each of us attempts to send the other overboard. There’s still plenty of time to beat him at his own game. I’ll let him think he’s winning, then catch him by surprise. His hands palm my ass with a feverous intent as he drives himself against me, all the while conquering my lips. He hesitates, pulling away from me slowly. I open my eyes to see him glaring at one of his men.

“This better be good,” Christian snaps, and I can’t help but hope for his sake it is. Interrupting will not go unpunished if it’s not important.

The man drops his chin, indicating he understands the risk. Christian sets me back on my feet and together we stroll towards the valet. Standing with one of my guys and one of Christian’s is the girl from the club. I am battling the urge to throw my head back, laughing with delight. I can feel my face resting with a bitchy smirk planted front and center. “Well, well, look what the cat dragged in,” I cackle, holding back a little.

She rolls her eyes in my direction. Christian and the guy who interrupted us are whispering back and forth beside me. I am able to gather from their whispers that they caught her trying to slice the tires on the car. A targeted attack. Christian makes the connection at the same time as I do. He charges over to the girl, gripping her by the neck with one hand. His tattoo gives the appearance that the grim reaper has her in his clutches and it’s sexy as hell. I am hot all over watching as my man, a man I refused to even acknowledge existed for over a year, squeezes all the breath from her lungs. I long to trade places with her, to feel his hand around my own neck, while his filthy mouth fills my ears with dirty little fantasies.

His words cut through the air as they roll off his swollen lips. “Who sent you?” He demands.

She says nothing, maybe because she can’t or maybe because she doesn’t want to. She only stares at him hard, cold, filled with hatred.

I watch as his grip tightens, and he stares her dead in the eyes. “I said, who sent you?” He snarls. Christian’s lips curl back as he screams, “Answer me!” He releases the girl, and she falls to the ground gasping for air.

“No one sent me,” she coughs, still sucking in air.

“She’s not talking, and that’s fine. You know what to do with her then.” Christian says to the men. They nod in acknowledgement and scoop the girl up. They haul her back towards the club for whatever awaits her next. I don’t particularly care to know. The point is, she was a threat and now that business has been handled Christian and I can get on with our night.

“I am sorry, mon amour. You know I don’t like for you to see these things. Coming to the club was a bad idea. I should have been selfish and kept you all to myself at home.” He says gently as he embraces me. His hand cups my face in a show of affection. He drags his thumb across my lips. “I will make this up to you.”

“You better,” I reply, nipping at his thumb playfully. “Christian, what are they going to do with her?”

“You need not worry about it, Amour. You are safe and that’s all that is important to me. Besides, you know I will always protect you,” he answers before placing a kiss lightly on my lips. He takes me by the hand and walks around the car to open the door for me. I slide into my seat with sexy movements, and I can feel Christian’s eyes linger on me as I do. He closes the door and paces to the driver’s side. Before he climbs inside, he exchanges directions with the driver of the other car.

“Let’s go home. I can’t wait to rip those clothes off of you. I’ve been waiting all night,” he growls as he slams the car into gear and tears off down the street, headed towards the highway that would take us home. I slipped my hand onto his thigh, gripping him tightly, just like before. He keeps his eyes trained on the road as he mutters through clenched teeth, “I told you, I can’t wait any longer.” His foot hits the gas pedal, and we go speeding off into the night.

I threw my head back and laughed, letting the adrenaline from the speed wash away the events from tonight. At that moment, I knew I’d won, and I am pretty sure Christian knew it too.

Chapter 3

Give Me More


IdriftedthePorschesideways through the giant iron gate and around the circular drive to the front of the house. Our home, a mansion, tucked far enough away from the city that there is a minimal threat to Quinn’s safety and mine. Once the car is in park, I smile sheepishly at her. “I’m sorry. I told you I couldn’t wait much longer,” I growled, kissing her once before making my way around the car to open the door.

We’ve barely made it inside of the house when I feel her slam me against the wall. Her hands are gripping the collar of my jacket as her lips crash against mine. She flicks her tongue across them, begging me to kiss her back. I want to kiss her back. I want to taste her breath on mine, but I fight the urge to let her beat me. These lips are slowly pulling me under. One more kiss and all is lost. I can feel all my defensive walls crashing down as my mouth surrenders to her continuous demands. She’s got me coming undone, and it’s only a matter of time before I snap. Too late, I spin on her. My hands pin hers above her head and against the wall. Beneath me, Quinn whimpers with pleasure as I bite and tease her neck.

“Bite me, daddy,” she taunts. It throws me off my game long enough for her to wrap one leg, then the other, around my waist. Her thighs squeeze around me, melting our bodies together.

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