Page 5 of His Queen

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I give him the show he’s requested, our eyes once again locked in a sensual stand off. Both of us are entranced, staring deep into the other’s soul while imagining everything we can’t see, and relishing in the experience. When he can’t stand it anymore, he opens the door and shuts the water off.

“Sortir,get out,“ Christian demands.

He doesn’t give me the opportunity to defy him. In an instant, I am in his arms as he towels me off in a soft, sensual caress. It makes my skin curl as I am forced to endure the way he’s drawing things out. I should appreciate his patience. I can tell he’s conflicted about something, but it’s something he’s not telling me. The guilt is written in the way he drags his fingers slowly across my skin. Goosebumps erupt and my nipples peak. Christian’s fingers trace their curves. His lips brush against my shoulder next, and my body betrays me as my breath catches. I can feel him smiling, doing a victory dance with his lips. Just as he reaches between my legs, sliding a finger inside, followed by a second one, the moment he realizes how ready I am.

“Fuck, that’s a good girl, Mon amour.” His voice rumbles low and throaty against my ear. His other hand wraps around my neck, tightly. He squeezes just enough to send a jolt of adrenaline racing through my body. “Tell me, why does my bonne fille,goodgirl, have to misbehave and challenge me?“ Christian squeezes harder and for a moment, I can’t breathe. He pulls his fingers out, leaving me dripping and needy. Then releases his hold around my neck. When I don’t answer, he looks towards the bed. “Should I bend you over and punish you for your bad behavior this morning?”

I contemplate saying no, but I realize I’m taking too long to respond. He knows what I am thinking all too well. “I guess I do because you’re still acting up for attention,” Christian rasps as he brings his hand down hard across one ass cheek. He points to the bed. “Why are you starving for attention, mon ange, my angel?”

I want to call his bluff, pretend like I haven’t been lonely, but I’m already keeping so much from him. One more secret might break me. The best response is to continue with my vow of silence. I walk to the bed and lay across it on my stomach, tempting him to slide in behind me. I’m practically begging him to table this conversation and get lost in one another. The anticipation of feeling him is damn near unbearable as I resist the urge to look over my shoulder.

“Did you think you could use seduction, little bijou?” He asks, bringing his hand down hard to palm my ass, then sliding it down to my knee and pulling me to the edge. “Do I need to work the answer out of you, mon amour?” Christian asks, as he slides himself inside of me.

He’s taking things slow. Each thrust is deep and deliberate. The rhythm of his hips has me riding wave after wave of pleasure. My knees are resting on the footboard as he buries himself inside of me. He spreads me open, pushing all the way in. He holds me there with his cock buried inside as he reaches around with his other hand to stroke my clit until I’m pulsing and clenching around every inch of him. “Tell me why you’re being so naughty? Tell me why you want my attention so badly, little queen.”

When I don’t answer, he slides himself out, leading me to cry out in protest, to which he snarls, “Answer me then.”

“I’m lonely.” I confess, practically screaming as I try to push myself back into him. “I’m proud of you, Christian, but I am so lonely while you’re working.”

“I’m sorry if I’ve been neglecting you.” His voice is raspy and raw as he throbs inside of me, sliding himself back into place and resuming his torture.

“Say it like you mean it, Christian,” I moan.

“I’m sorry, mon Reine, my Queen,” he growls, picking up a deep thrusting rhythm.

“Make me believe it. Show me how sorry you are. Fuck me like you mean it. Take me like you never want to stop,” I cry out, moaning as he makes me cum.

“I mean it, mon amour. I mean every word. I’m sorry I am consumed with my work. I promise to make it up to you. I promise to make it up to you every day, every night; every moment that I have with you.” He grunts.

He’s so close I can feel it as he pounds out my orgasm. It’s euphoric the way he fucks us into oblivion. When our bodies finally explode, we both lay side-by-side gasping for breath, our fingers tangled together as we come down from our sexual high.

Chapter eight

“Iloveyoulittlebijou,” Christian says, kissing my temple. He’s the first to recover from our morning session. I’m still not sure if that was angry sex, or apology sex. To be fair, it’s probably both.

“Don’t go,” I whimper, reaching out for him.

“Darling, I must go, and you must get yourself cleaned back up. Come on now. Spend a nice day relaxing, or see if Selena would like to do lunch and some light shopping. Get yourself a new dress, and this weekend I will take you out for a romantic dinner. Just the two of us.” Christian’s voice is soft and tantalizing as he tries to persuade me.

I watch as he fastens his belt. This might prove to be the perfect opportunity for my lie, but already the guilt is eating away at me. He’s set me up beautifully, though. I can easily talk things over with Selena today, finalize plans with Eisele, then surprise him with a plan for a girl’s trip over dinner. I smile up at him, having come to this realization. “Okay, pudding. I hope you have a good day filled with lots of fun and adventure.”

Christian chuckles, “I’m afraid our ideas of fun are very different, but I will do what needs done.”

I blow him one more kiss as he walks out of our bedroom. Then step into the shower for the second time this morning. I hear the squeal of tires as my prince of punishment peels out and down the drive. He will have his day of meetings and business, but so will I. After my shower, I text Selena and invite her to lunch. When she finds out why I invited her, she’s going to want something in return. Sure enough, as if on cue, my phone dings with a reply from her saying that if it’s because I want something, so does she. I immediately get the feeling what she wants might be far more dangerous than what I am planning to ask her.

It doesn’t matter, so long as I need her help, then I am also at her mercy. We both need something the other has, apparently. I’ve come this far and my plans are already in motion. There’s no turning back or chickening out now. Even if it involves something dangerous. Selena and I can hold our own, I hope.

I’m meeting her at a quaint Italian Bistro in a quiet part of the city. It’s somewhere we won’t be noticed and can enjoy a private shopping experience at some of the nearby boutiques. The last time we were at the bistro together, our mothers were still alive. It’s nerve racking thinking about whether Selena will agree to a girl’s weekend. Maybe I’m moving too fast, expecting her to meet a girl she viewed as a nemesis. Then again, if she needs as much help as I need from her, she won’t have much of a choice.

My driver pulls up to the back parking lot. He parks the car then, knocks on the back door of the restaurant. A man appears, and he accepts his pay off.

“Follow me,” he says, all businesslike, as he escorts me to where Selena is already waiting.

Tucked in a private corner of the bistro, she’s still wearing her cat eye shaped sunglasses. They’re so retro, but they work for her. She slides them down her nose as she sees me approach. Selena’s no rookie. That girl is assessing every aspect of this interaction. Selena points to a table several feet away, out of earshot, but where they have a perfect view of the two of us. Peering out the window, I notice a few more men seated on the patio. This place is swarming with bodyguards, and I would bet it’s all because one of them snitched to Christian about my plans.

“Is there a reason for the giant entourage, darling?” Selena asks, raising an eyebrow as a hint of concern crosses over her face for a brief moment.

“Christian, being his normal over the top, and overbearing self. Nothing new. We both know this level of security is insulting.”
