Page 13 of Not A Peep

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Me. I’m that type of person apparently. I shouldn’t have done it. Iknowthat. Maybe if everyone knew who it was and who she was doing itwith,my transgression wouldn’t seemsohorrible. But they don’t, and now all anyone knows is that there is a horrible, manipulative person out there trying to ruin people’s lives.

“Clearly, the person in the picture is ruining their own life, they didn’t need someone else to help with that. Having sex in the woods?” Jonathan continues, shaking his head. “Haven’t they heard of poison ivy? Ticks? Bird shit? And how much do you want to bet they’re doing it unprotected? Do you know what happens from unprotected sex?Babies! If you don’t want to ruin your life, keep kids as far away from you as possible. You know?”

Despite the gravity of the situation, I find Jonathan’s ramblings amusing.

“You have three kids of your own. Your life isn’t ruined.”

“Yes, it is! Do you see these bags under my eyes? The dad bod coming in? The grays coming in my goatee? My life isdestroyedbecause of those monsters,” he insists with disgust. “Worst investment I ever made, that’s for sure.”


Jonathan can twist his face up in disgust and vent all he wants about how they’re draining the life from him, but I’ve never met a more doting father, or more spoiled kids.

By lunch, an email has gone out to the staff letting them know that most of the flyers have been taken down and they are taking steps to check the security footage all over campus to see if they can catch whoever did this. I pray that they find nothing. That maybe the cameras all stopped working or that Grant, Jason, and Trip had all worn hoodies and hats to cover their faces.

I’m sure I won’t be that lucky, but a girl can hope.

At the end of the day, memes are already circulating, and trending, over social media of the picture with the scribbled-out faces.

I’m mortified for Jackie and the poor student involved. There’s no doubt that they’ve seen it by now. Inevermeant for something like this to happen. The only saving grace for them is that someone had taken the time to hide their faces. But their bodies? They are on full display. Thankfully, neither of them have any visible tattoos or wear any jewelry that can be traced back to them.

By the time six o’clock rolls around and my shift ends, I’m ready to go home and hide from the world. In my rush to get out of here, I don’t realize I’m being followed back to the break room until someone taps me on the shoulder.

My feet levitate off the floor and I yelp in surprise. Embarrassed by my own reaction, I plaster a smile onto my face and turn around. When my eyes land on Jason, however, my smile falls away.

“What the hell do you want?” I snap as I step out of reach.

Jason smiles. It’s wide and easygoing. His hazel eyes twinkle with mirth as he stares down at me.

“Shh, don’t you know we’re in a library, darling?” he teases.

I simply stare at him. Is this kid for real right now? He wants to joke after what he and his friends have done? I take another step back.

“I’d love to chat with you about a project I’m working on with some friends. Care to join me on the third floor?” Jason asks, unfazed that I don’t fall into a giggling mess at his joke.


My heart slams in my chest. My palms grow clammy. What does he want from me? I look around us, hoping someone is close by to prevent him from doing anything crazy. Unfortunately, there’s not a student or co-worker in sight. But still, we’re out in the open, so if he tried anything, like putting his hands on me, people would see.

Jason tilts his head, his smile never faltering. It’s crazy how genuine it looks. There’s nothing sinister or all that terrifying about Jason. In fact, he’s better looking up close than from afar. If I wasn’t altogether terrified of him, I’d probably be stammering over my words or blushing under his attention.

“I think it’s in everyone’s best interest if you came and listened to what we have to say,” he urges with a shrug. “Otherwise, this all could go to shit pretty fast.”

I’m smart enough to read between the lines. But my legs remain locked in place as I stare at him in horror. Is this how Jackie felt when she received my text message? God, I need to send a “I’m sorry I blackmailed you” gift basket to her right after this. Wiping my clammy hands down my skirt, I lower my voice and ask,

“Why are you doing this?”

Jason doesn’t miss a beat. “Because we like you, Miss Wilson. Now, I may not be the brightest student on campus, but I’m not stupid either. Iknowthat you like what you see standing in front of you, and you have ever since I first walked through those doors and decided to study here.”

My cheeks burn with embarrassment. I can’t believe he’s actually known all this time that I’ve been watching him! Why won’t the floor open up and eat me? The amusement in his eyes fades as his focus sharpens onto me, and he continues as if he can’t see the pink gathering in my cheeks.

“Trust me when I say that I like what I see too, and it’s beenpainfulkeeping my distance up until this point.”

His eyes finally leave my face to trail down my body slowly, appreciatively. When his gaze returns to my face, I know my panties have unexpectedly become damp and my breathing has turned shallow.

“Please, just stop this,” I beg softly.

“We can do this the easy or the hard way. If you don’t want me to make a scene, I suggest coming upstairs with me,” he counters, his easygoing smile returning.
