Page 3 of Not A Peep

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But I know the Firebirds. Most people in Cohawk, New Mexico know of their violent tendencies and drug dealing. I don’t think any of them have a reasonable bone in their body.

“Oh, god, they’re going tokillme!”

I’mhearingPianna, but I’m not really here in the car. It’s like I’m looking in through the windows, watching us talk. The moment is so surreal that this has to be a nightmare. I should be calling the police. They would see the blood in Pianna’s room and the bruises on her body, the marks on her face. Then there are the bullet holes in my car. There’s no disputing that this was an accident. But I hit Joey with my car. I guess I could’ve gone around, but I didn’t. It would look like I did this on purpose. Isn’t that manslaughter? Would I do time? Maybe I’d go to jail, or if Pianna is right and Cassy, Joey’s gang leader, really did have his hands in some of the pockets of the police, we could end up dead next.

My stomach roils uncomfortably and I’m starting to feel dizzy.

“Bri, are you listening?” Pianna shakes my shoulder, bringing me back into the moment.

Gulping dramatically, I nod. “Yeah, I’m listening. Ok, well, why don’t we just go see if he’s, um, actually dead?”

Pianna nods and together, we both scramble out of the car. I stumble toward the back, dreading every step. When Joey’s limp body comes into view, my knees nearly give out. Pianna squeaks, freezing a few feet away, staring down at her boyfriend. Blood drips from his ears and his arm is twisted up behind him unnaturally.

“I-is he breathing?” I ask breathlessly.

Pianna looks from Joey, to me, and then back to the man on the ground. “I can’t tell.”

I guess it doesn’t matter. Given his state, if he is breathing, it won’t be for long. “Are you sure you want to, um, dump him off at his place?”

Pianna doesn’t answer right away. I look up at her face and see the resolve wavering. I jump on it.

“Look, we can figure out an alibi and lay low at my place until—”

“Lay low? No, Bri. Everyone in the Firebirds knows I’m with Joey. The Firebirds are going to wonder where Joey went when he doesn’t show up, and they’ll come to me first, looking for answers.”

“Are yousurethey know about you? Maybe if it was a passing glance, they would’ve forgotten your face or—”

“I’ve hung out with Joey with the rest of the Firebirds. Not only that, but I’ve even helped smuggle some drugs for them a time or two.”

I didn’t think I could be more shocked, but at her confession, I’m taken to a whole new level.


“Oh c’mon, Bri. You got comfortable in your real estate gig, despite finishing your Master’syearsago, and I don’t blame you. You’re making good money. But you could do this anywhere. Hell, you could go be the librarian you’ve always wanted to be now that you have the education for it. But me? I’ve been stuck at dead end jobs forever. I needed the extra cash!”

“But drug smuggling?”

“I know, I know. But I was in love, and Joey can be persistent, and the money looked good,” Pianna whines. She throws her hands up in frustration and looks around. “I-I think I need to run, Bri.”


She nods. “Yeah, like get out of town. Avoid the police and Firebirds altogether.”

She wants to leave Cohawk? But—

“But… but this could be a good thing,” she adds quickly, her face brightening as a plan begins to form. “Joey would’ve never let me leave Cohawk, but that’s been our dream for a while, right? It has been since we were little. The police can find Joey’s body in his trailer. We could make it look like a drug deal gone wrong. He’s already bloodied and looks beat to shit. While they close his case, we get the hell out of Cohawk, and start fresh. This is our chance at a new beginning, Bri.”

I lick my dry lips, but the motion is unsatisfying since my tongue is dry too. My doubt must be written all over my face because Pianna pushes on.

“Come on, Bri. You know if I leave, the Firebirds are going to come snooping around your place to ask questions. You can’t stay either. You’re a shit liar.”

“Pianna, you’re crazy, you know that?” I can barely keep up with her train of thought. But as her words start to sink in, they’re actually starting to make sense. That, or maybe I’m just starting to crack and go crazy too.

“Maybe I am, maybe I’m not. But you know running sounds a whole lot better than dealing with the Firebirds or the police.”

I swallow hard. “There’sno oneelse that will wonder what happened to him?”

There’s a short pause as Pianna thinks about it. As she thinks, I roll my shoulders, trying to ease the crushing weight that’s being applied to them. After a moment, Pia shakes her head.
