Page 43 of Not A Peep

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I roll my eyes. What would it hurt if he knew what I was doing? How could he possibly use it against me?

Me: I was looking up how to get my real estate license.

Three little bubbles pop up as he writes his response.

Jason: You’d leave the library? You’d leave us?

Leave my job here at the Atwater Library? Absolutely not. Have a side hustle where I can make some extra cash doing something else I love? Sure. Rather than reply though, I shove my phone back into my pocket. Let him think I’m considering leaving. I move toward the door, ready to head back out to the general population when my phone vibrates again. Rolling my eyes, I pull it out.

Jason: Even if you leave Groveton, it won’t stop us from having you.

The ominous text causes my heart to race. I bite my bottom lip, not sure if I want to reply. In the end, I hastily shove the phone back into my pocket and leave the break room, hoping to put this whole conversation behind me.


Wednesday, I don’t see the guys. It’s a relief not to deal with their bullshit, though I know the reprieve from them can’t last long. They’re boys with a shiny new toy. Why would they ever stay away longer than they have to?

I’m proven right when, Thursday morning, just as the library gets its first wave of students, I feel an icy glare. I shiver even before I know who it belongs to. When I look up, I find Trip sauntering over to my desk. My stomach sinks to the deepest depths, even as I plaster on a fake smile as he stops in front of me.

“Hi, can I help you?” My customer service voice is onpointright now. Later, I’ll pat myself on the back for managing to keep calm.

“Yeah, I’m looking for something.” Trip drawls, his gaze pinned to my face. I want to shrink back into my seat and disappear. Why is he even here?

I open my mouth to reply but before I can, Ms. Barbara appears by my side.

“Briella, Professor Boone is having difficulty understanding the new software update and IT isn’t able to get to her classroom right now. You did the presentation on it a few months ago so I offered to send you over there so she can get it to work for her students,” she says.

“Oh, I—” I glance at Trip, who’s watching the interaction carefully. My boss seems to notice him at the same time.

“Oh, I’m sorry young man. Let me help you.” She looks down at me. “I’ll take care of this, why don’t you head to her classroom?”

I leap to my feet, pleased to be getting out of this situation. “Of course.”

Not bothering to spare Trip another glance, I take my leave and escape whatever torment he has planned for me.

* * *

I don’t seeTrip the rest of the day, and I relax. Whatever he wanted, it couldn’t have been good. Ms. Barbara had unknowingly saved the day. That night, I celebrate with a box of pizza and a few hours of house hunting on my phone before calling it a night.

Friday, I’m free of the guys all day. As the time draws closer to five o’clock, I feel nearly buoyant.

“Alright, I’m going to make sure the system is updated then head out. Do either of you need anything?” I ask as I slide from behind the desk and allow Dora to take my seat.

Both she and Megan, who is already seated, shake their heads.

“Have a good night!”

I wave and nearly skip to the back. Maybe tonight, instead of laying around at home, I’ll go out to a bar, dance, and mingle. I used to go out with Pianna a lot, but since moving here, my personal life has been lacking. While I’ve grown comfortable with the change, it’s nice to switch things up.

I’m nearly to the staff room when a soft whistle cuts through the relatively quiet library. My head turns to the left to look for the source of the noise. When I find it, my jubilance pops like a bubble. Leaning against the door to the stairwell with his arms crossed, is Grant. Despite the stone stinking down into my gut, I have to give it to him. Dressed for game day in his jersey and leggings he looks… Well,hot. I didn’t think uniforms did anything for me, but damn. For a moment I’m stupefied. And when he smiles at me, I almost forget why he’s here. He drops his arms and uses his finger to call me to come over. Looking over my shoulder, I make sure neither Megan nor Dora is watching, then check to see if any students are visible. It’s only when I’m positive that no one can see me that I walk over to Grant.

“Good evening, dollface,” he greets with a nod.

“Why are you here?” I can’t stop the way my eyes drag down his body then back up. Heat flares to life in my cheeks when Grant smirks.

“Like what you see?”

“Eh, you’re not a quarterback but…” I let my sentence hang as I shrug.
