Page 45 of Not A Peep

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I tell myself that I’m simply keeping busy. If I do this, it wouldn’t be for a while. It takes money and time to start up and market yourself. Neither of which I have an abundance of at the moment. Maybe in a year or so, after saving up some PTO and some extra cash… At least it’s something to consider in case the guys decide to destroy my career at Groveton College.

That night, I force myself to leave the apartment. I know if I just sit there, I’ll start thinking about them and what they’re up to. They haven’t messaged me to come over, so that’s a good thing, right? I tell myself it is. Because the alternative is that they’re planning something heinous for me and the only reason they haven’t contacted me is because they’re in the planning stages. That thought is enough to scare me into being unavailable.

So I call Megan, who’s already out with some friends, and meet up with her.

“I’m so excited you came out with us!” she squeals, her arms coming around my shoulders.

“Same. Now, I need a drink.”

She gives me a sly look. “How about a few shots? We started two hours ago, and you need to catch up.”

I don’t even take the time to consider it. When three shots are handed to me, I take them in quick succession. Then we’re walking to the next place. Over the course of the night, we stop at five different bars and then end up at a small club. By the time we get to the club, I’ve lost count on how many shots and beers I’ve had.

“Damn, Bri. You go girl!” Megan cheers as I throw back another and proceeds to take her own shot. As she slams her small glass down onto the bar, she stumbles. With a laugh, I catch her and then drag her back out onto the dance floor.

By the end of the evening, I’ve totally forgotten why I’d been so determined to come out. I call that a successful night.

* * *

I’ma grown ass woman who knows how to handle her liquor. I should’ve known better than to go out and go so hard last night, especially when upset. But clearly, I wasn’t thinking straight. Now here I am, on a Sunday morning, with my head dangling into the toilet as I dry heave and curse the gods for ever creating liquor.

“Fuck, I’m pathetic,” I groan, reaching up and flushing the toilet for the hundredth time.

At least now that my stomach is utterly empty of its contents, I’m feeling a tiny bit better. Using the bathroom counter, I pull myself to my feet and brush my teeth. When I’m certain I’m not going to fall sideways, I move to the shower next. God, my hair is a total rat’s nest. It takes a while, but I finally manage to rinse out the hairspray and untangle the mats.

When I’m content that I don’t smell like a bar anymore, I dry off, but then immediately slip into my fluffiest robe. I can guarantee there is nothing on this green earth that would make me want to leave my apartment today. Trudging to the kitchen, I put on a pot of coffee and grab bread to make some toast. As I pop it in the toaster, there’s a knock at the door.

Although it’s only three knocks, it almost sounds like a herd of wildebeest trying to break down my door. I wince as my head threatens to explode. Who’s stopping by this early in the morning?

I shuffle over to the door and check the peephole.

“No.” My protest comes out as a whine, not caring that Jason can hear me just fine. “Why are you here?”

“Open up, dollface!”

I press my forehead against the door before shaking it back and forth slowly.Go away!I want to yell. I know if I do that though, it’ll result in a verbal sparring until my neighbors get involved. I just know it. Especially since he’s wearing a devious smile. Whatever he’s up to, he’s going to do it, whether I willingly participate or not. Just like always. With a heavy sigh, I unlock the door and shuffle back to the kitchen.

“It’s open!” I call over my shoulder as my toast jumps out of the toaster.

The door opens and shuts with a bang. At least, it feels like a bang. I flinch at the sound.

“Good morning!” he says with such exuberance it’s disgusting. “How was your night?”

I can hear him approaching but I studiously ignore his presence as I plate my toast and grab blackberry jam from the refrigerator.

“It was fine.”

“Oh? I figured it was more thanfine.”

I pause my progression toward the barstool by the counter to look at him suspiciously. His grin this morning is the widest I have ever seen it. And the mirth in his hazel eyes? A little too bright for comfort.

“What does that mean?” I demand.

Jason leans against the threshold between the kitchen and living room area and crosses his arms over his chest.

“It means, dollie, that I thought after cumming so hard that you passed out, you would describe your night as better than justfine.”

I don’t think I’m hearing him right. Did he just say what I think he did? No. Of course not. He’s bluffing to get a reaction out of me. I came home and passed right out after clubbing. We didn’t have sex. Determined that this is just some prank, I scoot past him and settle down at the bar.
