Page 66 of Not A Peep

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I bite back a hysterical laugh. OK? No, I’m notOK.I’m pretty sure I’m having a heart attack. What’s worse is, even though I’m terrified, my body is enjoying the attention.

“Yeah, yes, um yeah, everything is great.” I flash her what I hope is a normal-looking smile.

“Of course it is, you’re a star. I swear, if Dora had been here tonight, I would have found her on the phone and a pile of books that haven’t been checked back in waiting here.” Ms. Barbara sighs.

I pray that she’ll head to the break room and leave me to shamefully cum right here at my desk. Jason hasn’t relented in the slightest and the tension building isn’t something that I can fight off anymore.

“She’s a good girl, just a little spacy at times. Anyway, don’t mind me. I’ll get out of your hair. You’re good to close up at midnight?”

“Yes,” I assure her through clenched teeth.

She gives me another smile, pats the desk and heads to the break room. I don’t last more than a few more additional seconds before my orgasm hits. My shoulders hunch as my head drops to my chest, and I bite my lip as my body convulses. I suck in heavy breaths through my nose, hoping not to make a sound. When it finally subsides, a single tear manages to escape and roll down my cheek.

Jason pushes my chair back, unfolds himself, and stands. Using the back of his hand, he wipes his mouth, and then he rounds the desk so that he’s standing in front of it.

“Well,thatwas thrilling, wasn’t it?” he asks, shooting me a mischievous smile.

I don’t acknowledge him. With trembling hands, my fingers stroke the keys and I get back to work. The tear trickling down my face tickles, but I don’t brush at it.

“Ah, come on, you know it was fun.”

My body still hums from his tongue fucking, but I’m uncomfortably cold now, and my breathing hasn’t returned to normal yet. A hand comes into my line of vision. I flinch away from Jason’s touch. My eyes finally fly up to his face.

“It was just a bit of fun, dollie. No harm, no foul,” Jason says, his smile finally fading. “Trip was supposed to do the punishing, not me.”

“I’m glad you had fun.” My voice wavers.

Jason opens his mouth to reply but he’s cut off by Ms. Barbara’s arrival. “Hello, young man, can I help you?”

My eyes fall away from Jason’s face as he looks up and flashes my boss a smile. With their attention elsewhere, I use my shoulder to wipe the drop of water off my cheek.

“No, Miss Wilson just pointed me in the right direction. Thanks though.” With that, he moves away, finally leaving me in peace.

“Alright, Bri, I’m out for the night. I’ll see you in the morning!”

I wave at her back. When she’s gone, I allow myself to shed one more tear before forcing myself to focus on work.


How frowned upon is it to drink before work? As I contemplate the pros and cons of getting trashed before going in, I press my forehead against the plastic wall of my shower.

Last night was intense. By the time I’d gotten home and slipped under the covers, the fear had subsided. In its place though, hopelessness came creeping in and overwhelmed me. Tears poured down my face and my sobs were captured by my pillow.

But when the tears were done, my body hummed with unwanted eager anticipation. Yesterday had been a roller coaster of emotions. From the moment I realized the implications that came from missing the texts in the group chat, to the realization my body wanted more than just Trip’s fingers, to the bottomless fear of possibly getting caught by my boss as a student ate his friend’s cum from my pussy until my core wasspotless,I’d been driven right up to the top of what I’m capable of handling, then plummeted to my breaking point. Then, as I laid in bed last night, for some reason, my body trembled under the covers and my pussy spasmed for more wild, reckless behavior.

My mind screamed “no more!” while my pussy yelled back “is that all they got?.”

As hours crept by, I’d eventually pulled out my phone and flipped through available properties in the area. In the past, I could scroll until I simply couldn’t keep my eyes open anymore. Last night, I definitely needed the help, and thankfully, after thumbing through dozens of properties, sleep finally found me. My dreams consisted of Trip and Jason’s faces, and I had awoken to my fingers deep inside my pussy, my body pulsing around them hungrily.

“Urgh! What is wrong with me!” I hiss as I pull my head away from the shower wall. Therapy. Ineedtherapy. Maybe then I can get some answers as to why I am the way I am.

As the water turns frigid, I grab my loofa and quickly clean myself.

When I’m done bathing, I grab my towel and wrap it around me. Just as I leave the bathroom to head for my bedroom, three sharp knocks at the door cause me to jump. I stop, staring at the door.

“Who is it?”

“Martin, Miss Wilson. The maintenance man for the property.”
