Page 71 of Not A Peep

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“No, the only thing you love is probably your reflection.”Asshole.

Grant hums again. Annoyed that he was quick to judge my friend and uncertain if I just earned myself some sort of punishment for calling him out on his shit, I fall silent. The tension in the car simmers. Grant allows it to linger and grow. Time passes as we drive out of Groveton’s city limits. Unease creeps up my spine. The houses become further and further apart. The sun is slowly setting, though we still have a few hours before it gets dark.

Where are we going? With the mileage increasing, I begin to fidget in my seat. No one knows where I am or who I’m with. A quick look around tells me there’s about three hundred and sixty degrees of space around us to hide a body. We pass ranch after ranch. Cattle mostly, but there are some pigs. Isn’t it a well-known thing that pigs eat anything? Like people? Oh god, am I about to be murd—

“How did you and Pianna meet?”

Pianna again? I can feel my metaphorical hackles raise at her name coming out of Grant’s mouth.

“We grew up together.”

“Did you go through a few hard times together?” he pushes.

I stare at his face as I answer, “Yes.”

Grant nods. “When you go through tough times with someone else, you tend to end up forming bonds. Unbreakable ones. I can understand that.”

“Do you?” I counter. “What kind of hardship does Grant Gipson, the boy who grew up with a silver spoon in his mouth, know of hardship?”

Grant shakes his head, his hands tightening on the steering wheel.

“Trust me, I know a few things.” His voice is unusually subdued. After a short pause he asks, “What was the maintenance guy doing at your house this morning?”

I frown at the change of subject. “He was letting me know the car that’s been parking in my spot has been leaking oil.”

Grant’s jaw ticks. “Having people over at night?”

Did I just hear him correctly? Incredulously, I laugh. Grant looks over at me, his expression dark.

“Something funny?”

“I can’t believe you would even ask me that. As if dealing with three dicks isn’t hard enough, you expect me to juggle a fourth one?” I shake my head as Grant turns into the entrance of an old ranch.

My amusement fades as we approach the massive house. In the distance, there are several barns, but other than them, there’s just acres of fields around us. There’s a fancy looking car parked just out front of this two story home. My body locks up as Grant parks his truck behind it. What are we doing here? I swallow as I stare at the house. It needs work. The paint is faded, the windows look original, and the floorboards of the wraparound porch are bowing, some are even broken. But at first glance, it appears to have good bones, if not a bit ominous given the lack of care over the years.

Is this where I’m going to be murdered? My heart pounds in my ears. Maybe poking the bear wasn’t such a good idea.

“I’m glad to hear you say that,” Grant says, pulling my attention away from the house. I look over to him slowly, expecting maybe a gun in his hand or, at the very least, a knife. His eyes are locked onto my face but there’s no weapon in sight. “I would have been very displeased to hear that you thought you could find something outside of the three of us.”

“You know that isn’t fair. You guys can do whatever, or whoever you want.”

Grant’s pupils narrow. “Who says we’re fucking anyone other than you?”

“C’mon, Grant. Are you saying I’m the only person you’re messing around with right now? That there isn’t a cheerleader or another student who you haven’t had over to fool around with?”

Grant tilts his head to the side to study me closely. “You’re the only woman the three of us are seeing right now.”

Woman. Not person. The distinction doesn’t go unnoticed. Given how they like to eat each other’s cum, I’m not surprised there’s not anotherwoman.

“But thereissomeone?” I push before rolling my eyes. “Of course there’s someone else. Are you blackmailing him too? Or is this a willing participant?”

“Relax, it’s just the three of us and then you, dollface.” He chuckles. “My, you’re a jealous one.”

I sputter, outraged. He thinks I’m jealous? Me? Annoyance and something else twists together in my gut making me feel uneasy. It can’t be jealousy, right? Then the rest of his words sink in.

“Oh.Oh. The three of you…”

Grant watches me closely. Is he waiting for some sign? A particular reaction? “You had to have assumed.”
