Page 84 of Not A Peep

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Twenty minutes later, I’ve dressed, brushed my teeth and washed my face, put my makeup on, and am ready to go. During that time, I’ve had to give myself a stern talking to. This is the second time I’vewillinglyslept with one of my blackmailers. First Trip, now Jason? The same guys who are willing to risk me getting fired for their own sick pleasure? This willnotbe happening again. Now that my pussy is sufficiently pleased, she, too, agrees that we will be swearing off all dicks that live under this roof.

My resolve falters when Jason flashes me a grin as I meet him by the front door.

“Looking as beautiful as always, dollie.”

I try hard to fight the blush that covers my cheeks. It’s not appropriate. One compliment does not circumvent everything else he and his friends have done to me.

“I know.” My smug response earns me a deep chuckle from the young man that follows me out of the apartment.

“We’re going to make a stop real quick before I drop you off at work,” he says as he follows me to the elevator.

“Where are we stopping?”

“At my favorite place to get bagels.” Jason pats his stomach. “I can’t get enough of them. Besides, neither of us ate breakfast. We can’t expect to be at our best when we start the day off with an empty stomach.”

I don’t argue with him. One, because I don’t think it would get me far. Two, because I am hungry. It just would have felt weird if I’d started to rummage through a kitchen that doesn’t belong to me.

We make it to his car, where he opens the passenger door for me and closes it once I’m in. My pussy quivers, her resolve crumbling faster than the rest of me.It’s just manners, that shouldn’t get you all excited!I mentally yell at her while Jason climbs into the driver’s side.

As we pull away, Jason says, “You know, I didn’t get to thank you properly for the meals you made my family the other day.”

“Oh you already did, remember?” I reply in a sickeningly sweet voice. Jason glances over at me with confusion. “Your thanks came in the form of nearly getting me in trouble with my boss.”

The wide grin that spreads across his face assures me he feels absolutely no remorse for his actions. My teeth clench together.

“That was from me,” he says happily. “From my parents, ‘thank you.’”

“Tell them that they’re welcome.” I wait to say more until we’ve gone over the speed bumps in the neighborhood. “I know it’s nice to have a home cooked meal waiting for you after a long day. Especially when you’re not at your best.”

“Tell me about it.”

I hum at his agreement.

“No, really, tell me about it,” Jason pushes. “I’m curious about you.”

I frown. “Well, I mean, balancing school, work, and—”

I clamp my lips shut. Telling Jason that juggling my life and Pianna’s disaster of a life, isn’t what’s happening right now.

“And…?” he pushes.

“And, you know, life stuff.”

“What are you hiding?”


“Liar.” He chuckles. “I’ll figure it out eventually.”

“You will?” At his nod I ask, “Why? No, wait,how?”

Jason pulls his eyes off the road to wink at me. “Eager to see what I have up my sleeve for you, dollie?”

“No!” I shift gears a bit, hoping to throw him off. “The other day, you said your parents were locked in for life working for Mr. Gipson. Why did you say it like that?”

The heavy scowl that furrows Jason’s brows tells me my quick change of subject worked.

“You know I can’t say much.” He lets out a long sigh. “Talking shit about Garry Gipson is a bad idea.”

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