Page 94 of Not A Peep

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I drop my gaze away from his as I crawl on my hands and knees to my designated spot. I sit up on my knees as he scoots forward. Facing his crotch, I watch as one hand slips into the slat in the front of his boxers and he pulls out his erection.

“Wrap your pretty lips around me, dollface. Don’t suck. If you can do this, I’ll allow you to sit up here and eat your breakfast,” Grant says.

Without a word, I place my hands on his thighs and lean forward. How could I have ever, even for the briefest time, thought that something had changed between us? Exhaustion and their gentleness with me last night must have clouded my mind for a moment. Or maybe Pianna was right. Sex leads to feelings for me and those feelings must’ve warped this whole arrangement.

My lips wrap around Grant’s dick. Instinctually, my tongue teases the tip, causing Grant to grunt and jerk forward a little. Slowly, I lower my head, taking his cock into my mouth. Above me, Grant sighs heavily. The sound, full of something akin to distress, kindles the warmth back into my veins. Not enough to bring me back to a shaking bundle of nerves, but enough to make me smile a little.

I can hear the scraping of utensils above me as Grant begins to eat. As I lean heavily on his thighs, his dick in my mouth, I allow saliva to drip past my lips and slide down his shaft. When it gets to be too much, I swallow, sucking Grant gently as I do. He grunts, his whole body stilling for a moment before he starts eating again. I press my tongue flat against his shaft, hoping that will slow the saliva from gathering again. It doesn’t. I swallow again, harder this time, trying to keep my mouth dry. This time, his hips jerk, and he lets out a breathy moan.

Movement somewhere in the apartment causes me to stiffen.

“Hey, what’s that smell?” Jason’s voice drifts over to us as the padding of bare feet on tile grows near.

“French toast,” Grant says easily. “It just got done, so it’s still warm.”

“You cooked? That’s… weird.”

Grant chuckles, his cock twitching in my mouth as he does. “No,Ididn’t. Our doll did.”

“Oh, she’s still here? I could’ve sworn…” his voice trails off for a moment before he clears his throat and asks, “Where is she?”

“Keeping my dick warm.”

The ease with which Grant can speak with his dick deep in my mouth simply won’t do. I pull my head up just a little so I can tease the slit where precum is gathering, and then I take him swiftly to the back of my throat. My tonsils squeeze around him, and I give a hard suck. He grunts loudly while his hips jerk forward. There’s a loud thump on the tabletop.

“I said hold it there, not suck it, dollface,” he snaps.

I hum around him, knowing what it will do. There’s a sharp intake of breath above me, and Jason laughs.

“This should be interesting,” Jason declares, still chuckling. “Thanks for breakfast, dollie.”

I listen to Jason move around the kitchen. When he pulls his chair out, out of the corner of my eye I catch sight of his face as he bends down to check out the situation below the table. Jason chuckles and sits down.

“She looks good down there.”

“Sure does,” Grant agrees, his voice a little strained this time. Pleased I’ve managed to get under his skin, I suck again. There’s more precum now, gathering quickly. “We need to leave in an hour. Think you can be ready by then?”

They’re leaving? Are they planning to leave me here? If so, maybe I could go home and—Wait, shit, I forgot. My apartment’s been vandalized. I can’t go back there. Not yet at least. My heart drops further. This day is already turning out to be shit. Well, maybe after the guys leave, I can make some calls to see if I can get a cleaning crew out there in the next week. Then afterward, I’ll stay at my place until I can find another apartment.

“Yeah, I just need to take a shower. Trip’s waking up now. The diva is probably going to steal the shower first.”

“There’s a second one,” Grant reminds him with a pant as I suck his dick, stroking it with my tongue as I do. Fuck it, if I don’t eat at the table, fine. It’s not like that would make them treat me any more like a person.

“And you, dollface? Hum if you need more time.”

Grant’s question surprises me. What’s this? They want me to come with them? Why? Where? And at what cost?

“I’ll take that as a no,” Jason says after a moment.

“Good.” Grant sighs and adds, “I’m done, dollface. You can come up here.”

I give him one more hard suck, dragging a gasp from my tormentor, before I let go of his dick. He shoves away from the table and looks down at me. There’s some pink in his cheeks and his chest is heaving. Between his legs, his dick is red and throbbing.

“Come here,” he orders, his voice deepening as our eyes meet.

I take my time rising up off the hard floor. When I’m standing right in front of him, he looks up at me with heat burning in the depths of his eyes. Without warning, he moves. Grant rises from his seat, his hands latching on to my hips, and he lifts me up. As I yelp in surprise, he sits me down on the edge of the table and steps between my legs.

“You are terribly bratty,” he murmurs. He reaches up and takes my chin in his hand to tilt my head further up. “But you behaved well enough to keep me wanting. So I’ll overlook your bratty behavior.”
