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"They were doing their best to get their hands on the Ka'Mirai. I assume it was to get you back?"

"One of the reasons, sure. Wouldn't that be fun? They wouldn't kill me the first time around; what did they think I was going to do if they got me back? Just sit there and do what they told me from then on? I would have made them die. The geis had no effect on me after a while." He shook his head, his expression one of endless sadness.

"The Ra'Ak take bits of my flesh and mix it with theirs—did you know that?" he sighed. "It makes it easier for the DNA to combine and change the others. The enhanced. Don't ask what they do to create a clone." That information caused me to shudder. They'd been picking away at him for who knew how long? That would cause insanity, all by itself.

"Is there anything you want to say, or any messages you want to pass on, before I turn all of this to dust?" I studied his face—it seemed so innocent, somehow. Was that what the madness had done for him?

"My brother is dead, so there isn't anyone I want to say good-bye to. Except for you, that is." He blinked at me a time or two. "Thank you for bringing my death. It will be most welcome, I assure you." He lay down again on the bare floor of his cage and closed his eyes.

"Good-bye," I whispered softly and turned to energy.

It probably isn't a good idea to blow up an entire planet, especially if you're trying to keep things quiet. I merely caused the resident Ra'Ak and their enhanced army to explode instead, after I'd given the Khos'Mirai as easy a death as I could. Now, the small planet inside the void was my last destination.

Pulling just enough power to fold the small planet out of the void, I caused it and its sleeping inhabitants to disintegrate. There wasn't a particle left of anything that was larger than a grain of sand when I finished with it. Then I went back and closed the gate that had been created, so nothing could ever get inside the void again. I sealed off the whole thing, too. The Ra'Ak were locked out, now. Forever. I also sealed it against time. I hadn't known I could do that, but I can.

Funny, isn't it, having that much power? If I die in my physical form, then my physical form is dead. The most I can do is what the Nameless Ones on the other side do—maintain corporeality for an hour or so, but past that, it's all energy. If my physical body dies, the only mate I can keep is Kifirin. For a while, at least. We are the same, he and I. I knew I wanted to keep my physical body—I wasn't through with it, yet. Wouldn't be for a while, I think.

Wending my way homeward, I zipped through galaxies, passing suns newly born or dying, planets of all kinds and colors, asteroids, comets, galaxies; some of them so beautiful I wanted to weep as I left them behind. I even raced beams of light that rushed through space—many of them flying away from a star long since dead. Who says there is no life after death? That light flows away from you until it reaches a destination. Who dares to guess where that might be?

Chapter 15

"I'm exhausted." I walked through my palace, gathering a crowd behind me. Gavin and Tony were the first but my Larentii folded in—Connegar and Reemagar, and then Shadow, Garde and Erland were there. Roff was still missing and that left a hole in my heart. Karzac wouldn't be there; he was caring for his new baby. Drake and Drew were still out taking down the last of the Ra'Ak-enhanced. I'd taken the long way home and they'd had almost eight months to track and kill what I hadn't gotten.

I wondered, too, how many Ra'Ak had gotten away and now threatened all the worlds again. The Saa Thalarr would have their hands full, if my guesses were correct. Grant, Giff and Toff came along; Giff's baby sac weighed heavily on her left side, held up by one of the slings designed for that purpose. Two other vampires came with them, but I only recognized one of them. Davan was there. I smiled tiredly at him and he smiled back. Well, he was my Uncle, after all.

"Lissa, you have been gone for nearly eight months and no word." Of course, Gavin would have his say.

"Well, it's better than the alternative," I said. "You wouldn't believe how big everything is, Gavin." I wasn't about to tell him how close we'd all come to destruction at the hands of the Ra'Ak and the Khos'Mirai.

"Are you well? Did things go as planned?"

"Things went pretty well, I think," I said. "I'll have to go see Kiarra—I have news for her."

"Lissy, please say you are not going to leave again, just as you're getting back," Tony said, his gray eyes begging me not to abandon him and the others so quickly.

"Kiarra is only a blink away. I've been billions of light-years from here. The news I have won't take long to deliver."

"So many things have happened while you were gone, Raona." Grant grinned at me. I loved Grant. He was always happy to see me. "Someone came and offered to help build the University and Library you want. He's willing to put up part of the funding if we can raise the rest. I can set up an appointment for you, if you want."

"How about next week?" I asked. "I should be rested by then. I hope."

The crowd followed me all the way to my suite and almost followed me into the shower. Everybody who wasn't a mate was forced to stay outside. Actually, I was bathed and kissed and loved by my Larentii in the shower. It took all three of us shielding everything to keep the planet from flying apart from the energy sex. Gavin, Tony, Shadow and Erland, who waited inside my bedroom, were included in the backwash of energy sex and all of them were knocked unconscious. My Larentii and I ended up in the floor of my shower, but I don’t think any of us minded a bit.

"Why didn't we know you could do that before?" Erland demanded when I came out in Reemagar's arms, wrapped in a big, fluffy towel.

"You want energy sex all the time?"

"If it's like that, I'd pay," Erland sniffed.

"Don't you start," I swatted at him. He grabbed my hand and kissed it.

Everybody came for dinner, including Flavio and Roff. Giff didn't look at him; it was too painful, still. He should remember. He should. That was his child and she was about to have a child of her own. He should be supporting her—telling her what it was like. Perhaps I'd find another comesula to help her—one that had at least one child—so they could offer advice.

"When will you go to see Kiarra?" Gavin asked later. His fangs were gently scraping the spot where my shoulder met my neck—just above my collarbone. He knows I like that.

"I just want to rest for a day or two. Then go see her. It's news that can wait."
