Page 10 of Patchwork Pixie

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Tanner tried to struggle to them. And she walked to him and screamed, “Stay down, you sack of shit!”

He went limp.

The officers came out, and she smiled when she recognized them from that morning. The alpha stepped toward her. “Miss Lest, what happened here.”

Tanner tried to speak, but she growled at him, and he cringed.

The alpha officer looked surprised. “You are a little different from this morning, miss.”

“He is no longer my boss, he is no longer my fiancé, he is a stalker who came to me at my place of work, and then he took a swing at me, so I hate to say it, but he started it.”

“She’s crazy. She can’t stand that I was with her best friend.”

The beta officer helped him to his feet.

Ruby sighed. “There are three CCTV cameras at this corner. My version of events is easily proved, as well as the security camera from the chocolate shop that aims directly at this part of the sidewalk.”

Tanner froze. “That’s illegal.”

“Not here it isn’t. For someone who works in security, you should really know the rules.” She looked at him as dawning horror crossed his face. “Oh, and my phone started recording audio the moment your voice was heard. So, there. Care to make another false allegation?”

Rayden chucked. “You are a little spitfire, aren’t you?”

“I am tired of playing nice to soothe his feelings.” She glared at him.

She looked at the alpha she had spoken to that morning. “Am I under arrest?”

The officer got a call and answered it. He paused. “We know where you are. Your family has assured us that you cannot leave town.”

“That’s true.” She smiled. “May I return to work?”

“Yes. We will take a statement in a few hours.”

“I am here for two more hours, and then I will be back at home.”

The alpha nodded and made a note on his little notepad. “Miss, do you need any medical attention?”

She looked at her hand, flexed it, and said, “No. I wear gloves to work, so the split knuckles will be fine.”

Tanner was cuffed and thrown into the back of the squad car, shouting orders and protesting.

Ruby looked at the male officer. “Oh, Beth is pressing charges.”

“She brought in the wedding dress as well. There is no mistaking what took place.”

Ruby sighed. “I am going to sue his ass for that dress. It was expensive.”

The alpha grinned. “Go get him. You can call us for a copy of the report.”

“My lawyer will probably do that.”

Rayden nodded. “He will.”

“Right, well, I need to do some work today. I have to earn my keep.” She flexed her hand and grimaced.

Mark came out and asked the officers, “Is she free to go?”

They nodded, and she was given a card with an incident number on it. She tucked it into her black pants and nodded. “Thank you. I promise to be readily accessible.”
