Page 25 of The Vegas Lie

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He checked to make sure there was no movement behind the partially open bedroom door. Then he tapped on the link, and the title alone nearly made him back out.

Welcome To The Love Connection: Are You and Your Honey Bears or Bees?

He snorted. “That doesn’t even make sense.”

“Saraci, did you say something?” Raina yelled from the bedroom. “I heard a wayward grumble.”

“It was a neutral grumble,” he yelled back.

“Why are you neutrally grumbling? Something wrong?”


“Um…okay. Carry on, then.”

Question 1:

What is your partner’s eye color?

The question was too easy.

Raina had dark brown eyes. There were undiscovered caves on the Yucatan Peninsula with more light than there was in her irises—unless she was pleased about something. Those dark eyes had lit up like galaxies the entire time they played poker.

Then he read the answers.

Q1: Your partner’s eye color can be described as:

A. A Summer Sky

B. An Autumn Leaf

C. A Midnight Rendezvous

D. A Stormy Afternoon

E. A Baby Doe

“What the ever-loving…”

He rubbed his face until it burned.

Of its own volition, his index finger tappedMidnight Rendezvous.

Question 2: How often do you and your partner show affection?

A. All The Time

B. Occasionally

C. Rarely

D. Never

Seeing as how he and Raina had only been partners for roughly twelve hours, and they’d spent the entire night touching in some way, he tappedAll The Time.

Question 3: Does your partner have any allergies?

A. Yes
