Page 59 of The Vegas Lie

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She gave him another tight hug, tears building in her eyes. “O.B., I’m really, really happy you’re here.”

Seeing her brother was a partially-perfect culmination to bring an end to the chaos. Lucas would round everything out, clipping away any tattered ends that remained.

“You sure you’re okay?” O.B. swiped at the corner of her eye. “Rough week?”

“Something like that.”

“How rough?”

“I’m eating, little brother.” It was what she called him, but he towered over her by more than a foot.

“Are you heading back to North Carolina after this?” he asked.

“I might stay in the area a little longer. Spend more time with Lilah.”

O.B. looked over her head. “Are you sure? She might not be able to find time to spend with you. You know how they like to do us.”

Raina turned around.

Miguel and Delilah headed toward them, hands clasped and smiling like Miguel hadn’t been in town virtually every weekend since that summer. Soon, he would leave for a stretch of road games, but that wasn’t for another couple of weeks.

“It’ll be nice to be nearby anyway,” she said. “Maybe I’ll stay at a hotel.”

O.B. pinched and stroked at the hair on his chin. “Hey, doesn’t Lilah’s professor live here?”

Places on her body pulsed that she didn’t want pulsing in front of her brother.

“What professor?”

“Dr. S.”

“Um,” she squinted, “yeah? I think he does live in Baltimore. Why?”

“You’re not slick, Raina.”

“I don’t understand.”

“How about answering two questions for me, then? Number one: why did my phone ask me if I wanted to update your name to Raina E. Saraci in my contacts list?”


She would have to change that back. If their folks found out she got married and didn’t say a word, it would hurt them. Drunk or not, she hadn’t included them in a significant event in her life.

“Two,” O.B. continued, “that’s him stepping off the elevator, isn’t it?”

She nearly broke an ankle turning around.

Lucas Saraci was again wearing scrubs, and there was so much she could do with him in scrubs, so much role-play to be considered. Honestly, he looked good in everything she’d seen him in so far. She could see them role-playing firefighter and “woman who thinks she smells gas as she leaves the shower but forgets to get dressed before she calls 911.”


She looked up to find her conniving brother grinning from one ear to the other. “I’m sorry. I didn’t hear what you said.”

“I wonder why.”

“I’m going to say hi.”

“Why wouldn’t you? He came here for you.”
