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“I’m sorry I didn’t listen to you regarding him,” Rosie said, but he didn’t want her thinking that.

“You don’t need to say sorry. I know how I am, how I can get. Even I didn’t think the asshole would have been carrying a gun or go as far as assault you in public.” He kissed the top of her head. “I’m just glad you’re okay.”

“I’m so thankful you showed up. I don’t want to think of what would have happened if you hadn’t come when you did—”

“Shh, let’s not even go there.” Thinking about what could have happened to her would only have a beast rise up inside of Rebel again, and right now he needed to be there for Rosie.

“I love you.”

She tightened her arms around his waist and rested her head on his chest. “I love you, too.”

He was never letting her go, never letting anyone hurt her. She was his.


The next day

Rose didn’t know why she was so damn nervous. Maybe it was the fact her mother and stepfather were staring at her and Rebel like they didn’t know what to make out of the situation?

Her mom sat in front of Rosie, and her stepfather sat beside her mother.

They hadn’t responded after Rosie told them the whole story, starting with the situation with Rebecca, moving onto the library incident with Charleston, and finally ending with admitting her feelings for Rebel.

Their parents knew about everything already, but she’d wanted them to hear their side of the story. When they’d gotten home after the library incident there had been a lot of hugs, tears, and her mother saying how worried she was for both for them, but thankful they were okay.

After everything settled down this was where they found themselves.

Although she should care that she’d gotten in trouble and suspended, even still be scared as hell about the library shit, Rosie was more worried about what her mother and stepfather had to say about her loving Rebel.

Maybe that shouldn’t be her priority, but it was how she felt.

Rosie glanced at Rebel. He was looking at her, this sincerity in his expression that gave her strength. He held her hand under the table, not seeming the least bit worried about any of this.

“So this kid with the gun is now in jail?” her stepfather asked, even though he knew this already. Maybe he wanted to know again for his own peace of mind?

Rosie nodded.

“And, Rebel, you attacked him because he put his hands on Rosie?” her stepfather asked again.

“Yeah,” Rebel said without apology.

“And the girl that you fought with,” her mother asked, “she came after you and you were defending yourself?”

Rosie nodded. “Yes.”

They stayed silent again after that, but then her stepfather sighed and leaned forward, bracing his arms on the table. Were they going to address the clear elephant in the room?

“And you two…”

Rosie looked at her mother who spoke. She looked at Rebel’s father, and then at Rebel.

“You two are what, in a relationship or something?” her stepfather finished speaking.

She was tense, she felt it in every part of her body, but knowing Rebel was beside her, with her in all of this, made things easier.

“Yes,” Rebel said before she could answer. “I love her, am in love with her. I kicked that guy’s ass because he put his hands on Rosie. I didn’t know about the gun until after that.”

“How long has this been going on?” her mother said, gesturing between both of them.
