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“Ahhhh, that explains the posture. You sit straighter than anyone I’ve ever met.”

“First you come for my face and now my posture? I want my candy back.”

“Too late.” She was still so close and for just a moment, her eyes dropped to his lips. But she seemed to think better of it as well, and turned back to the camera. “Okay, Gabriel, it’s time to make a sacred oath before all my 700-thousandish followers.”

“Whoa, that’s a lot of followers.” He took a deep breath. “But I’m ready.”

“I need you to solemnly swear that you will not burgle, manhandle, or otherwise harm me or my property.”

“I, Gabriel, solemnly swear that I will not do any of those things you just said.”

“Be specific,” she said, fighting a smile.

“I, Gabriel, solemnly swear that I will not burgle, um, grope, or otherwise harm you or your stuff.”

“Close enough.” She gave the camera a thumbs up. “I’ll post again in the morning so you’ll know that I’m unburgled.”

He watched quietly as she played the video back and did some kind of magical editing stuff to it that was beyond him, and then she posted it. “Okay, Gabriel,” she said, tossing her phone aside. “Let’s do this.”

Together they laid out the extra bedding and made a nest. He dug into his bag and pulled out a hoodie and a t-shirt. Unbuttoning and removing his work shirt, he shivered as icy air skittered over his bare skin.

He glanced back at Talia. “Are you warm enough? I have a wool travel blanket if you’re not.”

She hesitated and he could feel the weight of her eyes on him, tracing the lines of his tattoos. The black bands that circled his forearm on one side and his bicep on the other. The flowers. The poems. The manta ray tattoo that spread like angel wings across his upper back. Her gaze replaced the cold air with something warm that teased over him pleasurably, like a soft hand.

“Are you really asking me that right now? Put your shirt on, sir. And then ask me again.”

Laughing, he pulled the t-shirt on and then the hoodie. “Better?”

“I mean, now I can accurately gauge my temperature. I’m doing alright.”

He folded his uniform shirt neatly. He’d have to wear it again when he went back to work in the morning, so best to make it look presentable. That done, he put their bags beneath the bedding with them.

She rolled onto her side so she was facing him. “Thank you again for doing all of this.”

“It’s not a problem.” He turned so he was facing her. “Can I ask a question?”

“Go for it.”

He hesitated, but his curiosity won out. “Why are you headed to New York?”

“Ah, that’s…complicated.”

“Sorry, I didn't mean to pry.”

Her lips twitched in amusement. “Sure you did.”

“Maybe I did. It just feels like there's a story there.”

“Hmm.” Her brow furrowed. “I’m really bad at keeping secrets aren’t I?”

“Yeah, your face is talking when you aren’t.”

“Stupid chatty fucking face.” She sighed. “Typical shit. Blah blah blah family issues. Blah blah blah lonely holidays.”

He raised his eyebrows and waited for more.

“Finnnnne.” She smiled softly and bunched the pillow up beneath her head. “I grew up in Brooklyn. My family is still there. I’m not and I like it that way. They’re very…” she scrunched up her nose. “They’re particular. They like things done in very specific ways and I like to do things my own way.” She ran a hand through her hair. “This year, they guilted me into coming to visit because my sister had a baby. I’m not sure what’s worse, being trapped here or being trapped there watching everyone pretend their lives are perfect.”

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