Page 119 of Stalked

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“I’m not telling anything to a whore.” He spits on her, his saliva splattering on her face.

Fury zaps through me like a lightning bolt. I pounce forward, my muscles eager to bring him a world of hurt.

Except protecting Prue’s honor isn’t necessary. She does it all on her own, pressing the knife closer to her dad’s chest while covering his mouth to silence his screams.

“I couldn’t find a Salina West anywhere.” My sweet little girlfriend transforms into a feral beast, baring her teeth at her dad. “So, you’re going to tell me her address. The last one you remember, and you’re going to do it right fucking now.”

I squat next to her. The side glance she throws my way tells me so much more than words ever could.

She forgives me. She loves me. From now to eternity, we’re a team.

I send her back a silent message of my own. A thank you for understanding. A vow to be there for her always.

The romantic moment ends as soon as it started, and we’re back to the scene.

I’m wound up tight and prepared to help her however I can if and when she needs me.

Although it doesn’t feel like she will.

I’ve learned plenty about Prue in the short while I’ve been with her. Learned about patience and kindness. About the beauty of giving, the appeal of commanding a woman and bending her to my will.

I’ve finally discovered what this sappy concept of love is all about and found out I don’t hate it one fucking bit.

Apparently, in the process, bits and pieces of me rubbed off on Prue as well.

Or maybe it’s been inside her all along.

Pride booms from within me, shining through my eyes. I grin like an idiot, wondering when I have ever felt so entirely complete.

I look at her with adoring eyes, knowing with absolute certainty she would’ve handled the Jason situation way better than I had a decade ago. She would’ve helped the patients get their justice far sooner than I have.

The need to touch her becomes an urge I’m helpless against. I reach out and rub her back. Conveying my support, my love, my shoulder to lean on.

“Naked disgusting slut,” her dad says when she lifts her hand off his mouth.

He officially reached a hard limit for me. Kudos.

“See, now you’re overdoing it, asshole.” I bring my knee to his shoulder, fracturing the bone.

It cracks, making a sickening noise, causing him to drop the bat he’s been gripping. The pain and surprise evoke more pained screams out of him, and Prue silences them fast with her palm over his mouth.

I don’t let go, sinking my knee deeper into the wounded area.

“No one talks to her like that. No one treats her like that. Prue is”—I angle my head to lock eyes with hers, and I say the truest words I’ve ever spoken—“a queen. Her crown has been missing for the first twenty-six years of her life, but she’s found it. By herself. And it’s resting on her head and will be there for the rest of her life.”

Her chin wobbles, and for a brief moment, the ice in her brown gaze melts.

I give her a small shake of my head.This isn’t over yet.

She understands my silent communication, returning her violent attention to her father beneath her.

“Address,” she growls. “You’ll die, anyway. The magic of self-defense, you know?”

I’m jolted by her statement. I’m not about to object to her, though.

Her demons, her past.

Whatever she deems right, that’s what she’ll do.
