Page 14 of Stalked

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“Sorry,” I offer in a meek voice. My neck burns as if it’s being scalded.

“For?” His muscles flex as he grips the ledge and prowls toward me, sliding forward slowly.

Air flows in and out of my lungs with effort. I’m hot all over, holding on for dear life as my feet kick to keep me above water.

I’m in the deep end now. Literally and metaphorically.

How do I answer his question? I mean, I’m pretty sure he knows the answer to that, so I can’t lie to him.

I don’t want to, anyway.

For some strange, inexplicable reason, I want to tell him the truth. About everything.

My dating history isn’t something to brag about. The longest relationships I had consisted of three dates tops that included brief kissing sessions.

I couldn’t give them more of me than that. Couldn’t offer more intimacy in terms of sex or deep conversation.

I’ve always considered my lack of interest a result of my past. My upbringing, my abandonment issues, and my hectic work schedule.

Apparently, I’ve been wrong.

Because when facing this man, my past and present don’t hold me back. Not in the slightest. I want him to own every piece of my soul. Every cell in my body.

More than anything, the moment has finally come. I’m ready to give up my virginity.

I’m choked by the realization, and still, I don’t fight it. It’s the one final connection to my past, one I’m itching to lose. To sever the last tie to my disappointments, the feelings of not being wanted and loved by my parents, the pitying looks.

With him. The first man I’ve ever been truly attracted to.

“Words, Three.” Theo advances, stopping before me. My chin is caught in his firm grip, tilting my head up. “Words and honesty.”

My body buzzes, sheer blaring energy racing up and down my spine.

Another step toward me, and my nipples would graze his chest. Rub against his skin. And hopefully, more of his hard parts would grind against my softer ones.

He’d know.

So, I give him more truths. “On second thought, I’m actually not sorry.”

“Again, for what?” His hot breath fans my face, smelling of mint and desire.

“For staring at you.” Refusing to cower a second longer, I add, “At your body.”

“Oh?” He tilts his head, appearing intrigued rather than surprised. “And you’re not sorry, why?”

I refrain from biting my lip or showing any signs of nervousness. I’m a grown woman. I should be able to ask for sex. To hint I want it. Something, anything.

“Because…” I glide toward him, closing the distance between us.

My chest presses to his. The hard length of his swim trunks pokes my belly. He’s not ashamed. I shouldn’t be either.

I’m not. I’m overpowered by desire. Emboldened by my urges. There’s nothing wrong with my wishes. And that’s for him to take me.

I stay put, reveling in the feel of his erection, in the heat of his gaze from above me.

“Because?” Theo tilts my head higher, so my eyes never leave his. “Keep those words coming, Three.”

“I want you.” In my dazed, aroused state, my words are barely a breath. “There, I said it.”
